This figure was used as an advertisement for the seminar club event. The portrait photograph was kindly provided by Prof. Sasakura. The other pictures are from Kourakis and Smith (2015), Kawada et al. (2021) and the Sasakura Lab.

Summary of CMS Seminar Club presentation on Friday, June 23, 2023

Title: Ascidians, our primitive chordate cousins in the sea, teach us about heart formation, the dopaminergic system, and more

Speaker: Prof. Yasunori Sasakura, Ph.D., Professor at the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, and Director of the Shimoda Marine Research Center, University of Tsukuba, Japan

On Friday, June 23, Prof. Sasakura gave a presentation at Fujita Health University. He told us about ascidians, which are primitive chordates living in the sea, and how they can help us to understand chordate evolution.

Recording: For members of Fujita University, a recording of the meeting (without the discussion part) will be available at our Manabi system. Unfortunately, we cannot open the recording for a wider audience.

There were 25 participants. Remarkable was the happy, relaxed, even “cosey” atmosphere. This atmosphere was greatly contributed by the cheerful, pleasant character of Prof. Sasakura, and the beautiful images of the mysterious underwater world of ascidians. Probably also a bit by us, as Prof. Sasakura himself mentioned in an e-mail “I really enjoyed talking and especially having discussions with many audiences thanks to the comfortable atmosphere of loving science.” His story was easy to follow, with well-crafted slides and clear explanations (please watch the recording if you have access to it). As for reactions afterward, I received very positive mails from Professors Shosuke Ito and Kazumasa Wakamatsu of FHU, who mentioned the nice atmosphere as well, and a partly joking mail from Dr. Jerzy (Yurek) Kulski saying “ was shocking to hear that my head and face evolved from Ascidian underwater siphon tubes. I will have nightmares about this. It was a masterful presentation!”

I was also impressed with several of the reports written by graduate students about Prof. Sasakura’s presentation. Although from the medical field, they were highly appreciative of learning about body plans and other biological processes from an evolutionary perspective.

Quite special was also that tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the gene promoter of which Prof. Sasakura used for marking dopamine neurons, was discovered by Distinguished Professor Emeritus Toshiharu Nagatsu of FHU (Nagatsu et al. 1964), who is a loyal visitor of our seminar series. Professor Nagatsu asked Professor Sasakura questions about this.

The contents of the presentation

The below only describes a summary and selection of the topics presented by Professor Sasakura.

What are Ascidians?

Adult ascidians look a bit like sponges but actually are a group of chordate species that are the closest relatives of the vertebrates. They live in salt water, include >2000 species, have relatively tough outer layers (“ascidian” means “shelled animal”), and in their adult stages they are sessile (examples in Fig. 1), filtering food from the water that they circulate through their bodies. The best-studied model ascidian is Ciona intestinalis (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Examples of ascidian species in their adult, sessile stage. The photographs of Halocynthia roretzi (“sea pinapple,” which is edible) and Ciona intestinalis (“vase tunicate”) are credit to the University of Tsukuba. The photograph of Styela plicata (“pleated sea squirt”) is by Prof. Sasakura. This figure was used as a slide in Prof. Sasakura’s presentation.

Their chordate features are more apparent in their “tadpole-like” juvenile stages, in which they can swim, and in which they have a notochord in their tail with dorsally thereof a neural tube (Fig. 2). These juveniles do not eat, and they only are looking for a proper substrate (a rock or so) to attach themselves to, after which they undergo an extensive metamorphosis.

Figure 2. The tadpole-like juvenile stage of C. intestinalis. Juveniles look like tadpoles (A, B), but after settling on a substrate the tail regresses and the body undergoes extensive metamorphosis (C). A typical chordate feature is the possession of a notochord (D) with dorsal thereof a neural tube (E). The figures are by Prof. Sasakura himself and from Ogura et al. 2011. This figure is a combination of figures and a video-image shown in Prof. Sasakura’s presentation.

Compared to vertebrates, they have a uniquely dense genome which makes it very convenient to investigate the regulatory elements of their ⁓16,000 genes.  Namely, on average, they have one gene per ⁓10,000 bp.

Their body plan is also simple, and the juvenile (tadpole) body comprises <3,000 cells including only 40 notochord cells, 36 muscle cells, 177 neurons in the central nervous system (CNS), and 54 neurons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Therefore, cell fates and lineages have been well analyzed and cataloged.

Professor Sasakura established ascidians as a transgenic system and is actively supporting/promoting the use of ascidians as a model system in Japan. So, if you have any questions in this regard, please contact him.

Head formation processes shared between ascidians and humans; were our facial muscles used for pooping?

Ascidians are urochordates and are closer to vertebrates than cephalochordates (lancelet/amphioxus), and one of their uniquely shared features is a concentration of sensory organs in the head region (Fig. 3) (e.g., Eposito et al. 2014).

Figure 3. Ascidians (also known as “tunicates”) are “urochordates” and are phylogenetically closer to vertebrates than cephalochordates. The pictures show amphioxus, a C. intestinalis juvenile with its pigmented ocellus (for light perception) and otolith (a gravity-sensory organ), and a tadpole. The pictures are derived from Prof. Sasakura himself. This figure was used as a slide in Prof. Sasakura’s presentation.

Also in muscle development, there is a remarkable similarity between ascidians and vertebrates in regard to head formation. Namely, in vertebrates, the same cell population (in the embryonic cardiopharyngeal field) gives rise to muscle cells of the heart and the head/face (the branchiomeric muscles). Ascidians also have a heart, although it has no chambers and the bloodstream direction occasionally changes (Fig. 4). By following cell development and screening for genetic markers, it was discovered that the same muscle cell population that in vertebrates gives rise to heart and facial muscles, in ascidians gives also rise to muscles in two distinct organs, namely the heart and the atrial syphon (Fig. 5) (Raji-Krajka et al. 2010; Stolfi et al. 2010; Diogo et al. 2015). The atrial siphon is the location where the circulated water and waste products go out, thus used for a kind of “pooping,” so the evolutionary origin of our face muscles is not so glorious. The atrial siphon itself (the epithelium, not the muscles) is believed to correspond to our otic placode (the precursor of the inner ear), thus also corresponds with a head structure (e.g., Kourakis and Smith, 2007).

Figure 4. Ascidians also have a heart, but it has no separate chambers, and the bloodstream direction periodically reverses. The picture on the left, with the arrow pointing at the heart, is from Prof. Sasakura himself and the drawing on the right is from Davidson et al. 2006. This figure was used as a slide in Prof. Sasakura’s presentation.
Figure 5. The same cell population makes the heart and the atrial siphon muscles. In the drawing, some cells (blue) can be seen to form the atrial syphon muscle whereas others of the same cell population (orange) form the heart. LoM, longitudinal muscles; OSM, Oral siphon muscles; ATM, anterior tail muscle. On the right, a photograph of an adult C. intestionalis is shown with arrows pointing at the heart and atrial siphon. The drawings on the left are from Raji-Krajka et al. 2010 and the photograph on the right is from Prof. Sasakura himself. This figure is a modification of a slide used in Prof. Sasakura’s presentation.
Regulation of dopamine expression in ascidians
Dopamine (DA) in animals is used as a secreted signaling molecule between neurons and overall tends to promote actions and is associated with learning behavior. Even in the nematode C. elegans, dopamine is believed to play a role in neural plasticity and learning (e.g., Voglis and Tavernarakis, 2008) .
In C. intestinalis juveniles, there is only one single cluster of dopamine neurons (Fig. 6), which is thought to be homologous to our hypothalamus. However, so far, the function of dopamine in ascidians is not known, and Professor Sasakura described that C. intestinalis juveniles seemed to behave the same way, regardless if their dopamine expression was normal, was blocked, or was enhanced. The location of their dopamine neurons is quite close to the pigmented sensory organs the ocellus (for light perception) and the otolith (a gravity-sensory organ), so maybe it is about learning about how to adjust muscle movements to depth (light and water pressure; ascidians tend to grow in shallow waters)?
Even though the function of dopamine in ascidians is not known, exciting regulatory mechanisms were found. Horie et al. 2018 identified, by whole-embryo single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), the transcription factor Ptf1a as the most strongly expressed cell-specific transcription factor (TF) in dopamine cells. This agreed with fluorescent marker expression studies (Fig. 6). If Ptf1a was knocked down, TH gene expression was also silenced (Fig. 7 picture on the right), meaning the absence of dopamine, and if Ptf1a was expressed in all neurons many more but not all neurons were converted to TH-positive (dopamine-producing) cells (Fig. 7 bottom picture).
Then, the authors found that also the transcription factor Meis showed an expression pattern that agreed well with specificity for dopamine-releasing cells, and tried combinations of Ptf1a and Meis manipulation. They showed that Meis is necessary for the generation of the dopamine-releasing cell type (not shown here), and that the simultaneous expression of both Ptf1a and Meis in all neurons converted almost all of them to TH-positive cells (Fig. 8). By TH promoter analysis, they could find binding sites for both Ptf1a and Meis, and they concluded that both transcription factors are important (Fig. 8). The authors then hypothesized that the regulatory “cocktail” of Ptf1a and Meis might also control the development of DA neuronal cell types in vertebrates (Horie et al. 2018).
Figure 6. Marker gene expression in a transgenic C. intestinalis juvenile shows good overlap (bottom image) between the magenta marker expression driven by the Ptf1a promoter (top image) and the green marker expression driven by the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) promoter (middle image). The two black pigmented structures are the ocellus (the above one; for light perception) and the otolith (a gravity-sensory organ). The results are from Horie et al. 2018 and this figure was shown as a slide in the presentation by Prof. Sasakura.
Figure 7. Silencing of Ptf1a expression results in the absence of TH expression as revealed by a transgenic system with the green marker KAEDE under TH-promoter control (picture on the right). On the other hand, overexpression of Ptf1a increased the number of TH-positive neurons (bottom picture). The results are from Horie et al. 2018 and this figure was shown as a slide in the presentation by Prof. Sasakura.
Figure 8. Simultaneous overexpression of Ptf1a and Meis leads to almost all neurons becoming DA-releasing type of neurons as indicated by a marker under the promoter of natriuretic peptide receptor A (GCYA2) which is specifically expressed in these cells. The promoter for the the TH gene has binding sites for Meis as well as Ptf1a. The results are from Horie et al. 2018 and this figure was shown as a slide in the presentation by Prof. Sasakura.
Unique evolution in ascidians; the acquisition of cellulose synthesis
Professor Sasakura also explained about evolutionary developments unique to ascidians. I will only briefly mention one of them, namely the acquisition of the ability to synthesize cellulose for the extracellular matrix that surrounds their body and is called a “tunic.” Although (some) plants, fungi, and bacteria are known to synthesize cellulose, in animals this is very unique and only found in ascidians. The C. intestinalis cellulose synthase gene, Ci-CesA (Dehal et al. 2002) probably was acquired by horizontal transfer from bacteria (Sasakura et al. 2005).

So, we learned that, as all “primitive” species, ascidians are not only “primitive humans” but also established their own features after they separated in evolution from our ancestors.

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