This is a summary of the curriculum vitae (CV) of Sir Richard John Roberts, Prof., Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, New England Biolabs. He was awarded the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine together with Prof. Phillip Allen Sharp for the discovery of introns in eukaryotic DNA (“split genes”). He will give a presentation at Fujita Health University. He is a friend of Prof. Akila Mayeda at Fujita Health University, who suggested to invite him.
Prof. Roberts is the Chief Scientific Officer at New England Biolabs, Ipswich, Massachusetts. He was educated in England, attending St. Stephen’s School and the City of Bath Boys’ School in Bath before moving to the University of Sheffield where he obtained a B.Sc. in Chemistry in 1965 and a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry in 1968. His postdoctoral research was carried out in Professor J.L. Strominger’s laboratory at Harvard, where he studied the tRNAs that are involved in the biosynthesis of bacterial cell walls (e.g., Roberts 1972; Roberts et al. 1974). From 1972 to 1992, he worked at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, reaching the position of Assistant Director for research under Nobel laureate Prof. J.D. Watson. He began work on the newly discovered Type II restriction enzymes in 1972 and in the next few years more than 100 such enzymes were discovered and characterized in Prof. Roberts’ laboratory (e.g., Roberts et al. 1977); Roberts 1978). His laboratory has cloned the genes for several restriction enzymes and their cognate methylases and studies of these enzymes has been a major research theme.
Prof. Roberts has also been involved in studies of Adenovirus-2 beginning with studies of transcription that led to the discovery of split genes and mRNA splicing in 1977 (Gelinas and Roberts 1977; Chow et al. 1977). For this, in 1993, he shared a Nobel Prize with his former colleague at Cold Spring Harbor Phillip Allen Sharp.
Prof. Roberts continued his adenovirus studies by efforts to deduce the DNA sequence of the Adenovirus-2 genome and a complete sequence of 35,937 nucleotides was obtained (Roberts et al. 1984). This latter project required the extensive use of computer methods, both for the assembly of the sequence and its subsequent analysis. His laboratory pioneered the application of computers in this area and the further development of computer methods of protein and nucleic acid sequence analysis continues to be a major research focus (e.g., Gingeras and Roberts 1980).
The field of DNA methyltransferases is also an area of active research interest and crystal structures for the HhaI methyltransferase both alone and in complex with DNA have been obtained in collaboration with Dr. X. Cheng (e.g., Cheng et al. 1993; Klimasauskas et al. 1994; Horton et al. 2020). The latter complex is quite remarkable as the protein causes the target cytosine base to flip completely out of the helix so that it is accessible for chemical reaction. This extreme, but elegant, distortion of the double helix had not been seen previously.
A major interest at present is the semi-automatic identification of restriction enzyme and methylase genes within the GenBank database and the development of rapid methods to assay function (e.g., Baum et al. 2021; Roberts et al. 2023). Already several new specificities have been found and it is clear that there are many more restriction enzyme genes in Nature than had been previously suspected. Most recently, he is one of the leaders of the COMBREX project that is concerned with the functional annotation of prokaryotic genomes.
Prof. Roberts is an advocate of the accessibility of scientific data (e.g., Roberts 2021) and has been supporting a number of charitable initiatives (e.g., see his Wikipedia page) including Ocean Genome Legacy.
Besides the Nobel Prize in 1993, Prof. Roberts received many honors (see below), one of which is being knighted as Knight Bachelor in the UK in 2008.


PERSONAL Born in 1943, Derby, England


1962-1965 University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England
B.Sc. in Chemistry
1966-1968 University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England
Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry


1969-1970 Research Fellow, Harvard University
1971-1972 Research Associate in Biochemistry, Harvard University
1972-86 Senior Staff Investigator, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
1986-92 Assistant Director for Research, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
1992-2005 Research Director, New England Biolabs
2005- Chief Scientific Officer, New England Biolabs


1974-1992 Consultant and Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board
New England Biolabs
1977-1985 Scientific Advisory Board, Genex Corp.
1977-1987 Editorial Board: Nucleic Acids Research
1979-1984 Editorial Board: Journal of Biological Chemistry
1982-1989 Member: National Advisory Committee of GENBANK
1984-1986 Member: National Advisory Committee of BIONET
1985-1988 Panel member: NIH Study Section in Biochemistry.
1985-2002 Editorial Board: Bioinformatics (formerly CABIOS)
1987-1990 Chairman: National Advisory Committee of BIONET
1987-2009 Senior Executive Editor: Nucleic Acids Research
1990-1992 Panel member: NCI Cancer Centers Support
Grant Review Committee
1993-1995 Panel member: NLM Study Section/Comp. Biol.
1994-2000 Scientific Advisory Board, Molecular Tool
1994- Patron of the Oxford International Biomedical Center
1996-1998 Visiting Professor, University of Bath, UK.
1996-2000 Chairman, NCBI Board of Scientific Counselors
1996-1999 Scientific Advisory Board, Oxford Molecular Group
1997-2001 Editorial Board: Current Opinion Chem. Biol.
1998-2001 Chairman, Steering Committee on Genetics and
Biotechnology, ICSU
1998-2002 Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board, Celera
1998- Sci. Advisory Board, Conservation Law Foundation
1998-2004 Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board, Lynkeus Biotech
1998-2003 Board Member, Albert Schweitzer Academy of Medicine
2000-2003 Scientific Advisory Board, PubMed Central
2000-2003 Scientific Advisory Board, Orchid Biosciences
2000- Advisor to the Director, NASA Astrobiology Program
2002- Scientific Advisory Board, Center for Functional Genomics,
SUNY, Albany
2002-2004 Trustee, Ocean Genome Legacy
2002-2004 Scientific Advisor to CIAR, Evolutionary Biology
2002-2006 Scientific Advisory Committee Member, IMBB, Greece
2003-2019 Chairman of the Board, University of Sheffield in America
2003- Honorary Member, The International Raoul Wallenberg
2003- Vice-President, Albert Schweitzer Academy of Medicine
2003-2005 Scientific Advisory Board, Diversa Corporation
2003- Vice-Chairman, Int. Science Adv. Bd. JDW Institute of
Genome Sciences, Hangzhou, China
2003- Distinguished Scientist and Research Scholar, Boston
2004- Scientific Advisory Board, PubChem
2004- Scientific Advisory Board, RainDance Technologies
2004- President, Ocean Genome Legacy Board of Trustees
2005-2014 Scientific Advisory Board, ICGEB
2006-2012 Board Member, Friends of the National Library of Medicine
2007- Scientific Advisory Board, InVivo Therapeutics
2007- Member, NRF Singapore International Evaluation Panel
2007- Chairman of the CSHL Archives Advisory Board
2008- Advisor to Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center, MGH
2008 Knight Bachelor (UK)
2009-2011 Trustee of the Gaddafi International Charity and
Development Foundation
2009- InVivo Therapeutics, Director
2009 Fellow of the Science Museum (London, UK)
2009- Scientific Advisory Board, Orwik
2010- President’s Council, New York Academy of Sciences.
2011- National Park System Advisory Board
2011- JGI Microbial Genomics & Metagenomics Advisory Board
2011- Council Member, STS Forum
2012-2013 Advisor to the city of Yixing, China
2012- Honorary Citizen, Wuxi, China
2012-2015 Honorary President, Richard J. Roberts Institute of
Biotechnology, Yixing, China
2013- Scientific Advisory Board, Empiriko Corporation
2013- Distinguished University Professor, Northeastern University
2015- Advisory Board, Grantham Institute, Sheffield University
2015- Scientific Advisory Board, Reticare Inc.
2015- Elysium Health, Scientific Advisory Board
2016- Scientific Advisory Board, ICGEB
2016-2020 Int. SAB of STARBIOS2
2016- Chairman, Laureates Science Alliance
2017- Scientific Adv. Board, China National Bioinformatics Center
2017- Board Member of the Grow More Foundation
2018- Director of the Microbiota Vault
2018- Visiting Professor, First People’s Hospital, Changzhou
2020- Scientific Advisory Board, Daros


Honorary Doctor of Medicine, University of Uppsala (1992)
Honorary Doctor of Medicine, Bath University (1994)
Honorary Doctor of Science, Sheffield University (1994)
Honorary Doctor of Science, Derby University (1995)
Hon. Prof. 4th Military Medical University, Xian (2002)
Hon. Prof. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (2002)
Honorary Doctor of Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2005)
Honorary Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2006)
Honorary Professor, Nankai University (2006)
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Athens (2009)
Honorary Professor, Astana Medical University, Kazakhstan (2012)
Honorary Professor, Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists (2012)
Honorary Professor, Wuhan University, China (2012)
Honorary Professor, Jiang-Nan University, Wuxi, China (2012)
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Lisbon (2012)
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile (2014)
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (2015)
Honorary Professor, Pyongyang University of Science & Technology (2016)
Honorary Professor, Universidad Católica of Valencia (2016)
Honorary Doctor of Science, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar (2016)
Honorary Doctor of Science, Amity University, India (2017)
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universitas Indonesia (2017)
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universitas Gadjah Mada (2017)
Honorary Doctor, Royal European Academy of Doctors (2017)
Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa, University of the Philippines, Los Baños (2018)
Honorary Member, Colombian Academy of Medicine (2018)
Honorary Professor, Jiangsu University (2019)
Extraordinary Professor, University of Pretoria (2019)
Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa. Chandigarh University (2022)


American Society for Microbiology
John Simon Guggenheim Fellow (1979-1980)
ASM Foundation Lecturer (1988-1989)
Miller Professor at UC Berkeley (1991)
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1993)
Bourke Lecturer, Boston University (1994)
Dakin Lecturer, Adelphi University (1994)
Golden Plate Award, American Academy of Achievement (1994)
Convocation Award, Sheffield University (1994)
Faye Robiner Award, Ross University (1994)
Fellow of the Royal Society (1995)
Associate Member of EMBO (1995)
Foreign Fellow, Nat’l Academy of Medical Sciences, Pakistan (1996)
Ada Doisy Lecturer, Univ. Illinois, Urbana (1996)
Wei Lun Visiting Professor, Chinese University, Hong Kong (1996)
William Ferdinand Memorial Lecturer, Sheffield University (1997)
Proctor & Gamble Distinguished Lecturer, Purdue University (1997)
Fellow of the American Society of Arts and Sciences (1997)
Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology (1997)
Steinberg/Wylie Lecture, University of Maryland (1997)
Knudson Lecture, Oregon State University (1997)
Medicus Magnus of the Polish Academy of Medicine (1998)
Robert Church Lecture in Biotechnology, Univ. Calgary (1998)
Albert Einstein Memorial Lecturer, Princeton (2000)
Sutton Lecture, U. Kansas Medical Center (2002)
Barry Berkowitz Lecture, Northeastern University (2003)
Robert Harris Lecture, MIT (2004)
Dan Nathans Lecture, Johns Hopkins (2006)
The Gabor Medal of the Royal Society (2007)
Knight Bachelor (UK) (2008)
Lester O. Krampitz Lecture, Case Western Reserve University (2009)
Corresponding Member, Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences (2009)
TIE Boston Legends and Leaders Award (2011)
Fellow of the AACR Academy (2013)
The Hans Krebs Medal of FEBS (2013)
T.T. Tchen Memorial Lecture, Wayne State University (2014)
Honorary Member, New York Academy of Sciences (2015)
George H. Boyd Distinguished Lecture, University of Georgia (2016)
Honorary Member, New York Academy of Sciences (2016)
J.B.S. Haldane Lecture, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar (2016)
Honorary Member of the National Academy of Medicine of Colombia (2018)
Dhirubhai Ambani Lifetime Achievement Award, Mumbai (2018)
Honorary Member, Colombian Academy of Medicine (2018)
Eugene P. Wigner Distinguished Lecturer, ORNL (2019)
Professor Robert Boucher Distinguished Alumni Award, U. Sheffield (2019)
The Public Service Medal, 2019 (Friends of Singapore)
Portrait Exhibit, Committee on Human Rights of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, highlighting the significant human rights work done by Nobel Laureates in the sciences (2020)
Distinguished Fellowship Award, IBERD (2020)
Honorary Fellow of the Indian Chemical Society (2020)
National Medal of Science, Portugal (2020)
Distinguished Fellowship Award, 2nd International Conference on Empirical and Theoretical Research (ICETR-2020)
Laureate Distinguished Fellow of International Engineering and Technology Institute (2020)
Portuguese Science Medal (2020)
Lomonosov Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2021)
EcoHealth Alliance Honoree (2022)
Dimitrie Cantemir Medal of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences (2022)
Honorary Fellowship, International Board for Education, Research and Development (2022)
Fray International Sustainability Award (2022)


1. Gregson, M., Kurosawa, K., Ollis, W.D., Redman, B.T., Roberts, R.J. and Sutherland, I.O. (1968) The natural occurrence of cis- and trans-cinnamylphenols. Chemical Communications 22: 1390-1392.
2. Ollis, W.D., Redman, B.T., Roberts, R.J. and Sutherland, I.O. (1968) New neoflavanoids from Machaerium kuhlmanii and Machaerium nictitans and the recognition of a new neoflavanoid type, the neoflavenes. Chemical Communications 22: 1392-1393.
3. Mageswaran, S., Ollis, W.D., Roberts, R.J. and Sutherland, I.O. (1969) Biogenetic models for the formation of natural cinnamylphenols and neoflavanoids. Tetrahedron Letters 10: 2897-2900.
4. Ollis, W.D., Ormand, K.L., Redman, B.T., Roberts, R.J. and Sutherland, I.O. (1970) The oxidative rearrangement of olefins by thallium (III) acetate. Part II. Synthesis of isoflavones. J. Chem. Soc. (C), 125-128.
5. Gottlieb, O.R., Mageswaran, S., Ollis, W.D., Roberts, R.J. and Sutherland, I.O. (1970) Recent developments in neoflavanoid chemistry. Ann. Acad. Brasil. Cienc. 42: 417-423, Suppl.
6. Stewart, T.S., Roberts, R.J. and Strominger, J.L. (1971) Novel species of tRNA. Nature 230: 36-38.
7. Lovinger, G.G. and Roberts, R.J. (1971) A comparison of two glycyl- tRNAs from Staphylococcus epidermidis. Fed. Proc. 30: 1217.
8. Roberts, R.J. (1972) Comparative studies of the staphylococcal glycyl- tRNAs which are non-functional in protein synthesis. Fed. Proc. 31: 422.
9. Roberts, R.J. (1972) Structures of two glycyl-tRNAs from Staphylococcus epidermidis. Nature New Biol. 237: 44-45.
10. Linnett, P.E., Roberts, R.J. and Strominger, J.L. (1974) Biosynthesis and cross-linking of the gamma-glutamyl glycine containing peptidoglycan of vegetative cells of Sporosarcina ureae. J. Biol. Chem. 249: 2497-2506.
11. Allet, B., Roberts, R.J., Gesteland, R.F. and Solem, R. (1974) Class of promoter sites for Escherichia coli DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Nature 249: 217-221.
12. Roberts, R.J., Lovinger, G.G., Tamura, T. and Strominger, J.L. (1974) Staphylococcal transfer ribonucleic acids. I. Isolation and purification of the isoaccepting glycine transfer ribonucleic acids from Staphylococcus epidermidis Texas 26. J. Biol. Chem. 249: 4781-4786.
13. Roberts, R.J. (1974) Staphylococcal transfer ribonucleic acids. II. Sequence analysis of tRNAGly/IA and tRNAGly/IB from Staphylococcus epidermidis Texas 26. J. Biol. Chem. 249: 4787-4796.
14. Roberts, R.J., Arrand, J.R. and Keller, W. (1974) The length of the terminal repetition in adenovirus 2 DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 71: 3829-3833. PMCID: PMC434277
15. Mulder, C., Arrand, J.R., Delius, H., Keller, W., Pettersson, U., Roberts, R.J. and Sharp, P.A. (1974) Cleavage maps of DNA from adenovirus types 2 and 5 by restriction endonuclease EcoRI and HpaI. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 39: 397-400.
16. Arrand, J.R., Keller, W. and Roberts, R.J. (1974) Extent of terminal repetition in adenovirus-2 DNA. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 39: 401-407.
17. Roberts, R.J., Breitmeyer, J.B., Tabachnik, N.F. and Myers, P.A. (1975) A second specific endonuclease from Haemophilus aegyptius. J. Mol. Biol. 91: 121-123.
18. Steenbergh, P.H., Sussenbach, J.S., Roberts, R.J. and Jansz, H.S. (1975) The 3′-terminal nucleotide sequences of adenovirus types 2 and 5 DNA. J. Virol. 15: 268-272.
19. Sugden, B., DeTroy, B., Roberts, R.J. and Sambrook, J. (1975) Agarose slab gel electro-phoresis equipment. Anal. Biochem. 68: 36-46. PMCID: PMC354449
20. Roberts, R.J., Myers, P.A., Morrison, A. and Murray, K. (1976) A specific endonuclease from Arthrobacter luteus. J. Mol. Biol. 102: 157-165.
21. Roberts, R.J., Myers, P.A., Morrison, A. and Murray, K. (1976) A specific endonuclease from Haemophilus haemolyticus. J. Mol. Biol. 103: 199-208.
22. Godson, G.N. and Roberts, R.J. (1976) A catalogue of cleavages of FX174, S13, G4 and ST1 DNA by 26 different restriction endonucleases. Virology 73: 561-567.
23. Roberts, R.J. (1976) Restriction and modification enzymes and their recognition sequences. In Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 3rd Edition, Nucleic Acids. Vol. II. 532-535.
24. Roberts, R.J. and Murray, K. (1976) Restriction endonucleases. CRC Critical Reviews in Biochemistry, 4: 123-164.
25. Burton, W.G., Roberts, R.J., Myers, P.A. and Sager, R. (1976) A eukaryotic endonuclease with non-random cleavage specificity. Fed. Proc. 35: 1588.
26. Roberts, R.J., Wilson, G.A. and Young, F.E. (1977) Recognition sequence of specific endonuclease BamHI from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H. Nature 265: 82-84.
27. Roberts, R.J. (1977) The role of restriction endonucleases in genetic engineering. In, Recombinant Molecules: Impact on Science and Society: (eds. R.F. Beers, Jr. and E.G. Barrett). Raven Press, New York, pp. 21-32.
28. Wu, M., Roberts, R.J. and Davidson, N. (1977) Structure of the inverted terminal repetition of adenovirus-2 DNA. J. Virol. 21: 766-777. PMCID: PMC353878
29. Subramanian, K.N., Zain, B.S., Roberts, R.J. and Weissman, S.M. (1977) Mapping of the HhaI and HinfI cleavage sites on simian virus 40 DNA. J. Mol. Biol. 110: 297-318.
30. Endow, S.A. and Roberts, R.J. (1977) Two restriction-like enzymes from Xanthomonas malvacearum. J. Mol. Biol. 112: 521-529.
31. Gelinas, R.E., Myers, P.A. and Roberts, R.J. (1977) Two sequence-specific endonucleases from Moraxella bovis. J. Mol. Biol. 114: 169-179.
32. Gelinas, R.E., Myers, P.A., Weiss, G.A., Roberts, R.J. and Murray, K. (1977) A specific endonuclease from Brevibacterium albidum. J. Mol. Biol. 114: 433-440.
33. Zain, B.S. and Roberts, R.J. (1977) A new specific endonuclease from Xanthomonas badrii. J. Mol. Biol. 115: 249-255.
34. Gelinas, R.E. and Roberts, R.J. (1977) One predominant 5′-undecanucleotide in adenovirus 2 late messenger RNAs. Cell 11: 533-544.
35. Gelinas, R.E., Chow, L.T., Roberts, R.J., Broker, T.R. and Klessig, D.F. (1977) The structure of late adenovirus type 2 messenger RNA’s. In Brookhaven Symposium in Genetic Interaction and Gene Transfer, Brookhaven Symposium in Biology 29: 345-347.
36. Kamp, D., Kahmann, R., Zipser, D. and Roberts, R.J. (1977) Mapping of restriction sites in the attachment site region of bacteriophage lambda. Mol. Gen. Genet. 154: 231-248.
37. Burton, W.G., Roberts, R.J., Myers, P.A. and Sager, R. (1977) A site-specific single strand endonuclease from the eukaryote Chlamydomonas. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74: 2687-2691. PMCID: PMC431246
38. Chow, L.T., Gelinas, R.E., Broker, T.R. and Roberts, R.J. (1977) An amazing sequence arrangement at the 5′ ends of adenovirus 2 messenger RNA. Cell 12: 1-8.
39. Roberts, R.J. (1977) Restriction and modification enzymes and their recognition sequences. In DNA Insertion Elements, Plasmids and Episomes, (eds. A.I. Bukhari, J.A. Shapiro and S.L. Adhya), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp. 757-768.
40. Gingeras, T.R., Myers, P.A., Olson, J.A., Hanberg, F.A. and Roberts, R.J. (1978) A new specific endonuclease present in Xanthomonas holcicola, Xanthomonas papavericola and Brevibacterium luteum. J. Mol. Biol. 118: 113-122.
41. Arrand, J.R., Myers, P.A. and Roberts, R.J. (1978) A new restriction endonuclease from Streptomyces albus G. J. Mol. Biol. 118: 127-135.
42. Zain, B.S. and Roberts, R.J. (1978) Characterization and sequence analysis of a recombination site in the hybrid virus Ad2+ND1. J. Mol. Biol. 120: 13-31.
43. Broker, T.R., Chow, L.T., Dunn, A.R., Gelinas, R.E., Hassell, J.A., Klessig, D.F., Lewis, J.B., Roberts, R.J. and Zain, B.S. (1977) Adenovirus-2 messengers–an example of baroque molecular architecture. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 42: 531-553.
44. Roberts, R.J. (1978) Restriction endonucleases. In, Microbiology, (D. Schlessinger, Ed.), American Society for Microbiology, Washington. p. 5-9.
45. Bingham, A.H.A., Atkinson, T., Sciaky, D. and Roberts, R.J. (1978) A specific endonuclease from Bacillus caldolyticus. Nucl. Acids Res. 5: 3457-3467. PMCID: PMC342687
46. Tomassini, J., Roychoudhury, R., Wu, R. and Roberts, R.J. (1978) Recognition sequence of restriction endonuclease KpnI from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Nucl. Acids Res. 5: 4055-4064. PMCID: PMC342733
47. Gingeras, T.R., Milazzo, J.P. and Roberts, R.J. (1978) A computer assisted method for the determination of restriction enzyme recognition sites. Nucl. Acids Res. 5: 4105-4127. PMCID: PMC342737
48. Roberts, R.J. (1978) Restriction and modification enzymes and their recognition sequences. Gene 4: 183-193.
49. Roberts, R.J., Klessig, D.F., Manley, J. and Zain, B.S. (1978) The spliced messenger RNA’s of adenovirus-2. FEBS Symposium 51: 245-253.
50. Roberts, R.J. (1978) Restriction endonucleases: A new role in vivo? Nature 271: 502.
51. Roberts, R.J. (1978) Intervening sequences excised in vitro. Nature 274: 530.
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53. Ito, J. and Roberts, R.J. (1979) Unusual base sequence arrangement in F29 DNA. Gene 5: 1-7.
54. Arrand, J.R. and Roberts, R.J. (1979) The nucleotide sequences at the termini of adenovirus-2 DNA. J. Mol. Biol. 128: 577-594.
55. Zain, B.S. and Roberts, R.J. (1979) Sequences from the beginning of the fiber mRNA of adenovirus-2. J. Mol. Biol. 131: 341-352.
56. Zain, B.S., Sambrook, J., Roberts, R.J., Keller, W., Fried, M. and Dunn, A.R. (1979) Nucleotide sequence analysis of the leader segments in cloned copy adenovirus-2 fiber mRNA. Cell 16: 851-861.
57. Zabeau, M. and Roberts, R.J. (1979) The role of restriction endonucleases in molecular genetics. In Molecular Genetics, ed. J.H. Taylor, III, 1-63.
58. Baumstark, B.R., Roberts, R.J. and RajBhandary, U.L. (1979) Use of short synthetic DNA duplexes as substrates for the restriction endonucleases HpaII and MnoI. J. Biol. Chem. 254: 8943-8950.
59. Rosenberg, A.H., Simon, M.N., Studier, F.W. and Roberts, R.J. (1979) Survey and mapping of restriction endonuclease cleavage sites in bacteriophage T7 DNA. J. Mol. Biol. 135: 907-915.
60. Gingeras, T.R., Milazzo, J.P., Sciaky, D. and Roberts, R.J. (1979) Computer programs for the assembly of DNA sequences. Nucl. Acids Res. 7: 529-545. PMCID: PMC328034
61. Roberts, R.J. (1979) Directory of Restriction Endonucleases. Meth. Enzymol. 68: 27-41.
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63. Roberts, R.J. (1980) Small RNA’s and splicing. Nature 283: 132-133.
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66. Gingeras, T.R. and Roberts, R.J. (1980) Steps towards computer analysis of nucleotide sequences. Science 209: 1322-1328.
67. Gingeras, T.R., Greenough, L., Schildkraut, I. and Roberts, R.J. (1981) Two new restriction endonucleases from Proteus vulgaris. Nucl. Acids Res. 9: 4525-4536. PMCID: PMC327455
68. Roberts, R.J. (1981) Restriction and modification enzymes and their recognition sequences. Nucl. Acids Res. 9: r75-r96. PMCID: PMC326683
69. Roberts, R.J. (1981) Restriction endonucleases, DNA sequencing and Computers. In, Developmental biology using purified genes, (ed. D.D. Brown), Academic Press, New York. 621-634.
70. Gingeras, T.R. and Roberts, R.J. (1981) Computer assisted methods for nucleic acid sequencing. In, Genetic Engineering, Principles and Methods, Vol. III, (ed. J.K. Setlow and A. Hollaender) Plenum Press, New York. 319-338.
71. Blumenthal, R.M., Rice, P.R. and Roberts, R.J. (1982) Computer programs for nucleic acid sequence manipulation. Nucl. Acids Res. 10: 91-101. PMCID: PMC326117
72. Gingeras, T.R., Rice, P.I. and Roberts, R.J. (1982) A semi-automated method for the reading of nucleic acid sequencing gels. Nucl. Acids Res. 10: 103-114. PMCID: PMC326118
73. Brooks, J.E. and Roberts, R.J. (1982) Modification profiles of bacterial genomes. Nucl. Acids Res. 10: 913-934. PMCID: PMC326211
74. Gingeras, T.R., Sciaky, D., Gelinas, R.E., Bing-Dong, J., Yen, C., Kelly, M.M., Bullock, P.A., Parsons, B.L., O’Neill, K.E. and Roberts, R.J. (1982) Nucleotide sequences from the adenovirus-2 genome. J. Biol. Chem. 257: 13475-13491.
75. Roberts, R.J. (1982) Restriction and modification enzymes and their recognition sequences. Nucl. Acids Res. 10: r117-r144. PMCID: PMC320569
76. The Applications of Computers to Research on Nucleic Acids. (Soll, D. and Roberts, R.J., Eds.). IRL Press Oxford and Washington, D.C. (1982).
77. Nucleases. (Linn, S.M. and Roberts, R.J., Eds.). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York (1982) and (1985).
78. Gingeras, T.R., Blumenthal, R.M., Roberts, R.J. and Brooks, J.E. (1982) The isolation and characterization of the E. coli dam methylase gene. In, Metabolism and Enzymology of Nucleic Acids, (eds. J. Zelinka and J. Balan), Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. p329-340.
79. Modrich, P. and Roberts, R.J. (1982) Type II restriction and modification enzymes. In, Nucleases, (Linn, S.M. and Roberts, R.J., Eds.), p. 109-154. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
80. Roberts, R.J. (1982) Restriction Endonucleases. In, Nucleases, (ed. S.A. Linn and R.J. Roberts), p. 311-340. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
81. Roberts, R.J., Sciaky, D., Gelinas, R.E., Jiang, B.-D., Yen, C., Kelly, M.M., Bullock, P.A., Parsons, B.L., O’Neill, K.E., Gingeras, T.R. (1982) Information Content of the Adenovirus-2 Genome. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 47: 1025-1037.
82. Roberts, R.J. (1983) Restriction and modification enzymes and their recognition sequences. Nucl. Acids Res. 11: r135-r167. PMCID: PMC325705
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194. Roberts, R.J., Belfort, M., Bestor, T., Bhagwat, A.S., Bickle, T.A., Bitinaite, J., Blumenthal, R.M., Degtyarev, S.Kh., Dryden, D.T.F., Dybvig, K., Firman, K., Gromova, E.S., Gumport, R.I., Halford, S.E., Hattman, S., Heitman, J., Hornby, D.P., Janulaitis, A., Jeltsch, A., Josephsen, J., Kiss, A., Klaenhammer, T.R., Kobayashi, I., Kong, H., Kruger, D.H. Lacks, S. Marinus, M.G., Miyahara, M., Morgan, R.D., Murray, N.E., Nagaraj, V., Piekarowicz, A., Pingoud, A., Raleigh, E., Rao, D.N., Reich, N., Repin, V.E., Selker, E.U., Shaw, P.-C., Stein, D.C., Stoddard, B.L., Szybalski, W., Trautner,T.A. Van Etten, J.L., Vitor, J.M.B., Wilson, G.G., Xu, S.-y. (2003) A nomenclature for restriction enzymes, DNA methyltransferases, homing endonucleases and their genes. Nucl. Acids Res. 31: 1805-1812. PMCID: PMC152790
195. Vincze, T., Posfai, J., Roberts, R.J. (2003) NEBcutter: A program to cleave DNA with restriction enzymes. Nucl. Acids Res. 31: 3688-3691. PMCID: PMC168933
196. Roberts, R.J. (2004) Identifying protein function – a call for community action. PLoS Biology. 2: 293-294. PMCID: PMC368155
197. Roberts, R.J., Belfort, M., Bestor, T., Bhagwat, A.S., Bickle, T.A., Bitinaite, J., Blumenthal, R.M., Degtyarev, S.K., Dryden, D.T.F., Dybvig, K., Firman, K., Gromova, E.S., Gumport, R.I., Halford, S.E., Hattman, S., Heitman, J., Hornby, D.P., Janulaitis, A., Jeltsch, A., Josephsen, J., Kiss, A., Klaenhammer, T.R., Kobayashi, I., Kong, H., Krueger, D.H., Lacks, S., Marinus, M.G., Miyahara, M., Morgan, R.D., Murray, N.E., Nagaraja, V., Piekarowicz, A., Pingoud, A., Raleigh, E., Rao, D.N., Reich, N., Repin, V.E., Selker, E.U., Shaw, P.-C., Sein, D.C., Stoddard, B.L., Szybalski, W., Trautner, T.A., Van Etten, J.L., Vitor, J.M.B., Wilson, G.G., Xu, S.-Y. (2004) A nomenclature for restriction enzymes, DNA methyltransferases, homing endonucleases, and their genes. Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology, Vol. 14, Alfred Pingoud (Ed.) Restriction Endonucleases, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
198. Zheng, Y., Roberts, R.J., Kasif, S. (2004) Segmentally Variable Genes: A new perspective on adaptation, PLoS Biology 2: 452-464. PMCID: PMC387263
199. Dong, A., Zhou, L., Zhang, X., Stickel, S., Roberts, R.J. and Cheng, X. (2004) Structure of the Q237W mutant of HhaI DNA methyltransferase: An insight into protein-protein interactions, Biol. Chem. 385: 373-379.
200. Yang, Z., Shipman, L., Zhang, M., Anton, B., Roberts, R.J., Cheng, X. (2004) Structural characterization and comparative phylogenetic analysis of E. coli HemK, a protein (N5)-glutamine methyltransferase. J. Mol. Biol. 340: 695-706. PMCID: PMC2713863
201. Xu,Q.S., Kucera,R.B., RobertsR.J. and GuoH-C. (2004) An asymmetric complex of restriction endonuclease MspI on its palindromic DNA recognition site. Structure 12: 1741-1747.
202. Zheng, Y., Roberts, R.J., Kasif, S. (2004) Identification of genes with fast-evolving regions in microbial genomes. Nucl. Acids Res. 32: 6347-6357. PMCID: PMC535660
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204. Posfai, J., Roberts, R.J., Vincze, T. (2005) NEBcutter—A program to cleave DNA with restriction enzymes. Encyclopedia of Diagnostic Genomics and Proteomics, pp. 896-900.
205. Roberts, R.J. (2005) How restriction enzymes became the workhorses of molecular biology. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102: 5905-5908. PMCID: PMC1087929
206. Xu, Q.S., Roberts, R.J., Guo, H.-C. (2005) Two crystal forms of the restriction enzyme MspI-DNA complex show the same novel structure. Protein Science 14: 2590-2600. PMCID: PMC2253285
207. Zheng, Y., Anton, B., Roberts, R.J., Kasif, S. (2005) Phylogenetic detection of conserved gene clusters in microbial genomes. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 243. PMCID: PMC1266350
208. Yang, Z., Horton, J.R., Maunus, R., Wilson, G.G., Roberts, R.J., Cheng, X. (2005) Structure of HinP1I endonuclease reveals a striking similarity to the monomeric restriction enzyme MspI. Nucl. Acids Res. 33: 1892-1901. PMCID: PMC1074309
209. Zheng, Y., Roberts, R.J., Kasif, S., Guan, C. (2005) Characterization of two new aminopeptidases in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 187: 3671-3677. PMCID: PMC1112042
210. Horton, J.R., Zhang, X., Maunus, R., Yang, Z., Wilson, G.G., Roberts, R.J., Cheng, X. (2006) DNA nicking by HinP1I endonuclease: Bending, base flipping, and minor groove expansion. Nucl. Acids Res. 34: 939-948. PMCID: PMC1363774
211. O’Driscoll, J., Heiter, D.F., Wilson, G.G., Fitzgerald, G.F., Roberts, R., van Sinderen, D. (2006) A genetic dissection of the LlaJI restriction cassette reveals insights on a novel bacteriophage resistance system, BMC Microbiology 6: 40. PMCID: PMC1459862
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213. Engelward, B.P., Roberts, R.J. (2007) Open access to research is in the public interest. PLoS Biology 5: e48. PMCID: PMC1796937
214. Zheng, Y., Roberts, R.J. (2007) Selection of restriction endonucleases using artificial cells. Nucl. Acids Res. 35: e83. PMCID: PMC1920265
215. Anton, B.P., Saleh, L., Benner, J.S., Raleigh, E.A., Kasif, S., Roberts, R.J. (2008) RimO, a MiaB-like enzyme, methylthiolates the universally conserved Asp88 residue of ribosomal protein S12 in Escherichia coli. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105: 1826-1831. PMCID: PMC2538847
216. Niv, M.Y., Skrabanek, L., Roberts, R.J., Scheraga, H.A., Weinstein, H. (2008) Identification of GATC- and CCGG-recognizing Type II REases and their putative specificity-determining positions using Scan2S–a novel motif scan algorithm with optional secondary structure constraints. Proteins. 71: 631-640. PMCID: PMC2465807
217. Roberts, R.J. (2008) Restriction and modification enzymes and their recognition sequences. In: Life Illuminated. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. pp. 215-216.
218. Roberts, R.J. (2008) HhaI methyltransferase flips its target base out of the DNA helix. In Life Illuminated. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. pp. 51-53.
219. Neely, R.K., Roberts, R.J. (2008) The BsaHI restriction-modification system: Cloning, sequencing and characterisation of DNA recognising motifs. BMC Molecular Biology 9: 48. PMCID: PMC2413257
220. Zheng, Y., Posfai, J., Morgan, R.D., Vincze, T. and Roberts, R.J. (2009) Using Shotgun Sequence Data to find Active Restriction Enzyme Genes. Nucleic Acids Research 37: e1. PMCID: PMC2615612
221. Lee, K.H., Saleh, L., Anton, B.P., Madinger, C.L., Benner, J.S., Iwig, D.F., Roberts, R.J., Krebs, C., Booker, S.J. (2009) Characterization of RimO, a new member of the methylthiotransferase subclass of the radical SAM superfamily. Biochemistry 48: 10162-10174. PMCID: PMC2952840
222. Roberts, R.J., Vincze, T., Posfai, J., Macelis, D. (2010) REBASE – a database for DNA restriction and modification: enzymes, genes and genomes. Nucleic Acids Research 38: D234-D236. PMCID: PMC2808884
223. Cheng, X. and Roberts, R.J. (2010) Base Flipping. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
224. Zheng, Y., Cohen-Karni, D., Xu, D., Chin, H.G., Wilson, G. Pradhan, S., Roberts, R.J. (2010) A unique family of Mrr-like modification-dependent restriction endonucleases. Nucleic Acids Research 38: 5527-5534. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkq327. PMCID: PMC2938202
225. Anton, B.P., Russell, S., Vertrees, J., Kasif, S., Raleigh, E.A., Limbach, P.A., Roberts, R.J. (2010) Functional characterization of the YmcB and YqeV tRNA methylthiotransferases of Bacillus subtilis. Nucl. Acids Res. 38: 6195-6205. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq364 PMCID: PMC2952846
226. Rasko, T., Der, A., Klement, E., Slaska-Kiss, K., Posfai, E., Medzihradsky, K.F., Marshak, D.R., Roberts, R.J., Kiss, A. (2010) BspRI restriction endonuclease: cloning, expression in E. coli and sequential cleavage mechanism. Nucl. Acids Res. 7155–7166 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq567. PMCID: PMC2978348
227. Laget, S., Joulie, M., Le Masson, F., Sasai, N., Christians, E., Pradhan, S., Roberts, R.J., Defossez, P.-A. (2010) The human proteins MBD5 and MBD6 associate with heterochromatin but they do not bind methylated DNA. PLoS One 5: e11982. PMCID: PMC2917364
228. Murray, I.A, Stickel, S.K. and Roberts, R.J. (2010) Sequence-specific cleavage of RNA by Type II restriction enzymes, Nucl. Acids Res. 38: 8257-8268. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq702. PMCID: PMC3001074
229. Roberts, R.J., Chang, Y.-C., Hu, Z., Rachlin, J.N., Anton, B.P., Pokrzywa, R.M., Choi, H.-P., Faller, L.L., Guleria, J., Housman, G., Klitgord, N., Mazumdar, V., McGettrick, M.G., Osmani, L., Swaminathan, R., Tao, K.R., Letovsky, S., Vitkup, D., Segré, D., Salzberg, S.L., Delisi, C., Steffen, M., Kasif, S. (2010) COMBREX: a project to accelerate the functional annotation of prokaryotic genomes. Nucl. Acids Res. 39: D11-D14. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq1168. PMCID: PMC3013729
230. Cohen-Karni, D., Xu, D., Apone, L., Formenkov, A., Sun, Z., Davis, P.J., Morey Kinney, S.R., Yamada-Mabuchi, M., Xu, S.-y., Davis, T., Pradhan, S. Roberts, R.J., Zheng, Y. (2011) The MspJI family of modification-dependent restriction endonucleases for epigenetic studies. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 108: 11040-11045. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1018448108. PMCID: PMC3131316
231. Wang, H., Guan, S., Quimby, A., Cohen-Karni, D., Pradhan, S., Wilson, G.G., Roberts, R.J., Zhu, Z. and Zheng, Y. (2011)Comparative characterization of the PvuRts1I family of restriction enzymes and their application in mapping genomic 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. Nucl. Acids Res. 39: 9294-9305. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr607. PMCID: PMC3241641
232. Roberts, R.J. (2011) COMBREX – COMputational BRidges to EXperiments. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 39: 581-582. PCMID: PMC3064401
233. Callahan, S.J., Morgan, R.D., Jain, R., Townson, S.A., Wilson, G.,G. Roberts, R.J., Aggarwal, A.K. (2011) Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the Type IIL restriction enzyme MmeI in complex with DNA. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural biology and crystallization communications F67: 1262-1265. PMCID: PMC3212378
234. Clark, T.A., Murray, I.A., Morgan, R.D., Kislyuk, A.O., Spittle, K.E., Boitano, M., Fomenkov, A., Roberts, R.J., Korlach, J. (2012) Characterization of DNA methyltransferase specificities using single-molecule, real-time DNA sequencing. Nucl. Acids Res. 40: e29. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr1146. PMCID: PMC3287169
235. Huete-Perez, J.A., Roberts, R.J., Quezada, F. (2012) Marine genome resource sustainability in Central America. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 15: 14. http://dx.doi.org/10.2225/vol15-issue5-fulltext-14.
236. Horton, J.R., Mabuchi, M., Cohen-Karni, D., Zhang, X., Griggs, R.M., Samaranayake, M., Roberts, R.J., Zheng, Y., Cheng, X. (2012) Structure and cleavage activity of the tetrameric MspJI DNA modification-dependent restriction endonuclease. Nucleic Acids Research, 40: 9763-9773. Doi: 10.1093/nar/gks719. PMCID: PMC3479186
237. Murray, I.A., Clark, T.A., Morgan, R.D., Boitano, M., Anton, B.P., Luong, K., Fomenkov, A., Turner, S.W., Korlach, J. Roberts, R.J. (2012) The methylomes of six bacteria. Nucleic Acids Research, 40: 11450-11462. Doi: 10.1093/nar/gks891. PMCID: PMC3526280
238. Fang, G., Munera, D., Friedman, D.I., Mandlik, A., Chao, M.C., Banerjee, O., Feng, Z., Losic, B., Mahajan, M.C., Jabado, O.J., Deikus, G., Clark, T.A., Luong, K., Murray, I.A., Davis, B.M., Keren-Paz, A., Chess, A., Roberts, R.J., Korlach, J., Turner, S.W., Kumar, V., Waldor, M.K., Schadt, E.E. (2012) Genome-wide mapping of methylated adenine residues in pathogenic Escherichia coli using single-molecule real-time sequencing. Nature Biotech. 30:Pages: 1232–1239. Doi: 10.1038/nbt.2432. PMCID: PMC3526280
239. Allard, M.W., Muruvanda, T., Strain, E., Timme, R., Luo, Y., Wang, C., Keys, C.E., Payne, J., Cooper, T., Luong, K., Song, Y., Chin, C.-S., Korlach, J., Roberts, R.J., Evans, P., Musser, S.M., Brown, E.W. (2013) Fully assembled genome sequence for Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica serovar Javiana CFSAN001992. Genome Announcements. 1: e00081-13. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00081-13. PMCID: PMC3622996. Author correction: Allard, M.W., Muruvanda, T., Strain, E., Timme, R., Luo, Y., Wang, C., Keys, C.E., Payne, J., Cooper, T., Luong, K., Song, Y., Chin, C.-S., Korlach, J., Roberts, R.J., Evans, P., Musser, S.M., Brown, E.W. (2014) Fully assembled genome sequence for Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica serovar Javiana CFSAN001992. Genome Announcements 2:e00293-14. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.00293-14.
240. Roberts, R.J., Carneiro, M.O. and Schatz, M. (2013) The advantages of SMRT™ sequencing. Genome Biology 14(6): 405. PMCID: PMC3953343. Erratum: Roberts, R.J., Carneiro, M.O., Schatz, M.C. (2017) Genome Biology 18: 156. DOI 10.1185/s13059-017-1295-y
241. Anton, B.P., Chang, Y.-C., Brown, P., Choi, H.-P., Faller, L.L., Guleria, J., Hu, Z., Klitgord, N., Levy-Moonshine, A., Maksad, A., Mazumdar, V., McGettrick, M., Osmani, L., Pokrzywa, R., Rachlin, J., Swaminathan, R., Allen, B., Housman, G., Monahan, C., Rochussen, K., Tao, K., Bhagwat, A., Brenner, S., Columbus, L., de Crecy-Lagard, V., Ferguson, D., Fomenkov, A., Gadda, G., Morgan, R.D., Osterman, A.L., Rodinonov, D.A., Rodionova, I.A., Rudd, K.E., Soll, D., Spain, J., Xu, S.-y., Bateman, A., Blumenthal, R.M., Bollinger, J.M., Chang, W.-S., Ferrer, M., Friedberg, I., Galperin, M., Gobeill, J., Haft, D., Hunt, J., Karp, P., Klimke, W., Krebs, C., Macelis, D., Madupu, R., Martin, M.J., Miller, J.H., O’Donovan, C., Palsson, B., Ruch, P., Setterdahl, A., Sutton, G., Tate, J., Yakunin, A., Tchigvintsev, D., Plata, G., Hu, J., Greiner, R., Horn, D., Sjolander, K., Salzberg, S.L., Vitkup, D., Letovsky, S., Segre, D., DeLisi, C., Roberts, R.J., Steffen, M., Kasif, S. (2013) The COMBREX Project: Design, Methodology, and Initial Results. PLoS Biology 11: e1001638. PMCID: PMC3754883
242. Garrity, G.M., Banfield, J., Eisen, J., van der Lelie, N., McMahon, T., Rusch, D., DeLong, E., Moran, M.A., Currie, C., Furhman, J., Hallam, S., Hugenholtz, P., Moran, N., Nelson, K., Roberts, R., Stepanauskas, R. (2013) Stand Genomic Sci. 8: 561–570. Doi: 10.4056/sigs.4638348. PMCID: PMC3910701
243. Hoffmann, M., Muruvanda, T., Allard, M., Korlach, J., Roberts, R., Timme, R., Payne, J., McDermott, P., Evans, P., Meng, J., Brown, E., Zhao, S. (2013) Complete genome sequence of a multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium var. 5-strain isolated from chicken breast. Genome Announcements 1: e01068-13. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.01068.13. PMCID: PMC24699967. Author correction: Hoffmann, M., Muruvanda, T., Allard, M., Korlach, J., Roberts, R., Timme, R., Payne, J., McDermott, P., Evans, P., Meng, J., Brown, E., Zhao, S. Genome Announcements (2014) Complete genome sequence of a multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium var. 5-strain isolated from chicken breast. Genome Announcements 2:e00294-14. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.00294-14.
244. Krebes, J., Morgan, R.D., Bunk, B., Spröer, C., Luong, K., Parusel, R., Anton, B.P., König, C., Josenhans, C., Overmann, J., Roberts, R.J., Korlach, J., Suerbaum, S. (2014) The complex methylome of the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori. Nucleic Acids Res. 42: 2415-2432. Doi:10.1093/nar/gkt1201. PMCID: PMC3936762
245. Laget, S., Miotto, B., Chin, H.-G., Esteve, P.-O., Roberts, R.J., Pradhan, S., Defossez, P.-A. (2014) MBD4 cooperates with DNMT1 to mediate methyl-DNA repression and protects mammalian cells from oxidative stress. Epigenetics 9: 546-556. PMCID: PMC4121365
246. O’Connell Motherway, M., Watson, D., Bottacini, F., Clark, T.A., Roberts, R.J., Korlach, J., Garault, P., Chervaux, C., van Hylckama Vlieg, J.E.T., Smokvina, T., van Sinderen, D. (2014) Identification of restriction-modification systems of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis CNCM I-2494 by SMRT sequencing and associated Methylome analysis. PLoS One 9: e94875. PMCID: PMC3990576
247. Anton, B.P., Kasif, S., Roberts, R.J., Steffen, M. (2014) Objective: Biochemical Function. Frontiers in Genetics 5: 210. PMCID: PMC4085566
248. Cheng, X.; and Roberts, R.J. (2014) Base Flipping. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002714.pub3.
249. Horton, J.R., Wang, H., Mabuchi, M.Y., Zhang, X., Roberts, R.J., Zheng, Y., Wilson, G.G., Cheng, X. (2014) Modification-dependent restriction endonuclease, MspJI, flips 5-methylcytosine out of the DNA helix. Nucleic Acids Research 42: 12092-12101. PMCID: PMC4231741.
250. Roberts, R.J. (2014) A crime against humanity. China Policy Review 10: 110-113.
251. Roberts, R.J., Vincze, T., Posfai, J., Macelis, D. (2015) REBASE – A database for DNA restriction and modification: enzymes, genes and genomes. Nucleic Acids Research 43: D298-D299.
252. Roberts, R.J. (2015) Ten Simple Rules to win a Nobel Prize. PLoS Comput Biol 11(4): e1004084. Doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004084.
253. Fomenkov, A., Lunnen, K.D., Zhu, Z., Wilson, G.G., Vincze, T., Roberts, R.J. (2015) Complete genome sequence and methylome analysis of Bacillus strain X1. Genome Announcements, 3: e01593-14. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.01593-14.
254. Pais, J.E., Dai, N., Tamanaha, E., Vaisvilila, R., Fomenkov, A., Bitinaite, J., Sun, Z., Guan, S., Correa, I.R., Jr., Noren, C.J., Cheng, X., Roberts, R.J., Zheng, Y., Saleh, L. (2015) Biochemical characterization of a Naegleria TET-like oxygenase and its application in single molecule sequencing of 5-methylcytosine. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 112: 4316-4321.
255. Pirone-Davies, C., Hoffmann, M., Roberts, R.J., Muruvanda, T., Timme, R., Strain, E., Luo, Y., Payne, J, Luong, K., Song, Y., Tsai, Y.-C., Boitano, M., Clark, T.A., Korlach, J., Evans, P., Allard, M.W. (2015) Genome-wide methylation patterns in Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica serovars, PLOS ONE 10: e0123639. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123639.
256. Seib, K.L., Jen, F.E.-C., Tan, A., Scott, A.L., Kumar, R., Power, P.M., Chen, L.-T., Wu, H.-J., Wang, A.H.-J., Hill, D.M.C., Luyten, Y.A., Morgan, R.D., Roberts, R.J., Maiden, M.C.J., Boitano, M., Clark, T.A., Korlach, J., Rao, D.N., Jennings, M.P. (2015) Specificity of the ModA11, ModA12 and ModD1 epigenetic regulator N6-adenine DNA methyltransferases of Neisseria meningitides, Nucleic Acids Research 43: 4150-4162. Doi:10.1093/nar/gkv219.
257. Anton, B.P., Mongodin, E.F., Agrawal, S., Fomenkov, A., Byrd, D.R., Roberts, R.J., Raleigh, E.A. (2015) Complete genome sequence of ER2796, a DNA methyltransferase-deficient strain of Escherichia coli K-12. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0127446. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127446.
258. Xu, S.-y., Boitano, M., Clark, T.A., Vincze, T., Fomenkov, A., Kumar, S., Too, P.H.-M., Gonchar, D., Degtyarev, S.K., Roberts, R.J. (2015) Complete genome sequence analysis of Bacillus subtilis T30. Genome Announcements 3: e00395-15. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.00395-15.
259. Pettengill, E., Hoffman, M., Binet, R., Roberts, R.J., Payne, J., Allard, M., Michelacci, V., Minelli, F., Morabito, S. (2015) Complete genome sequence of Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli O96:H19 associated with a severe foodborne outbreak. Genome Announcements 3: e00883-15. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.00883-15.
260. Hoffmann, M., Payne, J., Roberts, R.J., Allard, M.W., Brown, E.W., Pettengill, J.B. (2015) Complete genome sequence of Salmonella enterica Serovar Agona 460004 2-1, associated with a multistate outbreak in the United States. Genome Announcements 3: e00690-15. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.00690-15.
261. Lee, W.C., Anton, B.P., Roberts, R.J., Wang, S., Baybayan, P., Singh, S., Ashby, M., Chua, E.G., Tay, C.Y., Thirriot, F., Loke, M.F., Goh, K.L., Marshall, B.J., Roberts, R.J., Vadivelu, J. (2015) The complete methylome of Helicobacter pylori UM032. BMC Genomics 16: 424.
262. Fomenkov, A., Vincze, T., Grabovich, M.Y., Dubinina, G., Orlova, M., Belousova, E., Roberts, R.J. (2015) Complete genome sequence of the freshwater colorless sulfur bacterium Beggiatoa leptomitiformis neotype strain D-402. Genome Announcements 3:e01436-15. Doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01436-15.
263. Mariita, R.M., Bhatnagar, S., Hanselmann, K., Hossain, M.J., Korlach, J., Boitano, M., Roberts, R.J., Liles, M.R., Moss, A.G., Leadbetter, J.R., Newman, D.K., Dawson, S.C. (2015) Complete genome sequence of Curtobacterium sp. strain MR_MD2014 isolated from topsoil in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Genome Announcements 3: e01504-15. DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.01504-15.
264. Mariita, R.M., Bhatnagar, S., Hanselmann, K., Hossain, M.J., Korlach, J., Boitano, M., Roberts, R.J., Liles, M.R., Moss, A.G., Leadbetter, J.R., Newman, D.K., Dawson, S.C. (2015) Complete genome sequence of Streptomyces sp. strain CCM_MD2014 isolated from topsoil in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Genome Announcements 3(6): e01506-15. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.01506-15.
265. Chang, Y.-C., Hu, Z., Rachlin, J., Anton, B.P., Kasif, S., Roberts, R.J., Steffen, M. (2016) COMBREX-DB: An experiment centered database of protein function: knowledge, predictions and knowledge gaps. Nucl. Acids Res., Doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1324.
266. Fomenkov, A., Vincze, T., Grabovich, M., Anton, B.P., Dubinina, G., Orlova, M., Belousova, E., Roberts, R.J. (2016) Complete genome sequence of a strain of Azospirillum thiophilum isolated from a sulfide spring. Genome Announcements 4:e01521-15. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.01521-15.
267. Agre, P., Bertozzi, C., Bissell, M., Campbell, K., Cummings, R., Desai, U., Estes, M., Flotte, T., Fogleman, G.,Gage, F., Ginsburg, D., Gordon, J.I., Hart, G., Hascall, V., Kiessling, L., Kornfeld, S., Lowe, J., Magnani, J., Mahal, L.K., Medzhitov, R., Roberts, R., Sackstein, R., Sarkar, R., Schnaar, R., Schwartz, N., Varki, A., Walt, D., Weissman, I. (2016) Training the Next Generation of Biomedical Investigators in Glycosciences. J. Clin. Invest. 126: 405-408.
268. Yao, K., Muruvanda, T., Roberts, R.J., Payne, J., Allard, M.W., Hoffmann, M. (2016) Complete genome and methylome sequences of two Salmonella enterica spp. Genome Announcements 4: pii:e01599-15. DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.01599-15.
269. Blow, M.J., Clark, T.A., Daum, C.G., Deutschbauer, A.M., Fomenkov, A., Fries, R., Froula, J., Kang, D.D., Malmstrom, R.R., Morgan, R.D., Posfai, J., Singh, K., Visel, A., Wetmore, K., Zhao, Z., Rubin, E.M., Korlach, J., Pennacchio, L.A., Roberts, R.J. (2016) The Epigenetic Landscape of Prokaryotes. PLoS Genetics 12: e1005854. DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005854.
270. Lim, Y.-L., Roberts, R.J., Ee, R., Yin, W.-F., Chan, K.-G. (2016) Complete genome sequence and methylome analysis of Aeromonas hydrophila strain YL17, isolated from a compost pile. Genome Announcements 4(2):e00060-16. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.00060-16.
271. Callahan, S.J., Luyten, Y.A., Gupta, Y.K., Wilson, G.G., Roberts, R.J., Morgan, R.D., Aggarwal, A.K. (2016) Structure of Type IIL restriction-modification enzyme MmeI in complex with DNA has implications for engineering new specificities. PLoS Biol. 14(4): e1002442. Doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002442.
272. Yao, K., Muruvanda, T., Roberts, R.J., Payne, J., Allard, M.W., Hoffmann, M. (2016) Complete genome and methylome sequences of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Panama (ATCC 7378) and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Sloterdijk (ATCC 15791). Genome Announcements 4(2): e00133-16. Doi:10.1128/genomeA.00133-16.
273. Xu, S.-y., Klein, P., Degtyarev, S.Kh., Roberts, R.J. (2016) Expression and purification of the modification-dependent restriction enzyme BisI and its homologous enzymes. Scientific Reports 6: 28579. Doi:10.1038/srep28579.
274. Anton, B.P., Harhay, G.P., Smith, T.P.L., Blom, J., Roberts, R.J. (2016) Comparative methylome analysis of the occasional ruminant respiratory pathogen Bibersteinia trehalosi. PLoS One 11: e0161499. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161499.
275. Ee, R., Lim, Y.-L., Yin, W.-F., See-Too, W.-S., Roberts, R.J. and Chan, K.-G. (2016) Novel methyltransferase recognition motif identified in Chania multitudinisentens RB-25T gen. nov., sp. nov. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:1362. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01362.
276. Morgan, R.D., Luyten, Y.A., Johnson, S.A., Clough, E.M., Clark, T.A., Roberts, R.J. (2016) Novel m4C modification in Type I restriction-modification systems. Nucl. Acids Res. 44: 9413-9425.
277. De Melo, A., Labrie, S., Dumaresq, J., Roberts, R., Tremblay, D., Moineau, S. (2016) Complete genome sequence of Brevibacterium linens SMQ-1335. Genome Announcements 4: e01242-16. Doi:10.1128/genomeA01242-16.
278. Huete-Perez, J.A. and Roberts, R.J. (2016) Genetic modification (GM) technology for sustainable agriculture in Central America. In: Innovative farming and forestry across the emerging world: the role of genetically modified crops and trees (De Buck, S., Ingelbrecht, I., Heijde, M. and Van Montague, M., Eds.) Gent, Belgium. International Industrial Biotechnology Network (IIBN).
279. Skunca, N., Roberts, R.J., Steffen, M. (2017) Evaluating computational gene ontology annotations. (Dessimoz, C. and Skunca, N., Eds) Humana Press, In: The Gene Ontology Handbook, Methods in Molecular Biology 1446: 97-109.
280. Cooper, L.P., Roberts, G.A., White, J.H., Luyten, Y.A., Bower, E.K.M., Morgan, R.D., Roberts, R.J., Lindsay, J.A., Dryden, D.T.F. (2017) DNA target recognition domains in the Type I restriction and modification systems of Staphylococcus aureus. Nucl Acids Res 45: 3395-3406. Doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx067.
281. Fomenkov, A., Vincze, T., Degtyarev, S.K., Roberts, R.J. (2017) Complete genome sequence and methylome analysis of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 65. Genome Announcements, 5: e00060-17. doi.org/10.1128/genomeA.00060-17.
282. Fomenkov, A., Akimov, V.N., Vasilyeva, L.V., Andersen, D., Vincze, T., Roberts, R.J. (2017) Complete genome and methylome analysis of psychrotrophic bacterial isolates from Antarctic Lake Untersee. Genome Announcements, 5. e01753-16. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01753-16.
283. Yao, K., Roberts, R.J., Allard, M.W., Hoffmann, M. (2017) Complete genome and methylome sequences of Salmonella typhimurium, Saintpaul, and Stanleyville from SARA/SARB collection. Genome Announcements. 5. e00031-17. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00031-17.
284. Fomenkov, A., Sun, Z., Dila, D.K., Anton, B.P., Roberts, R.J., Raleigh, E.A. (2017) EcoBLMcrX, a classical modification-dependent restriction enzyme in Escherichia coli B: Characterization in vivo and in vitro with a new approach to cleavage site determination. PLOS ONE 12(6): e0179853. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0179853
285. Cooper, L.P., Roberts, G.A. White, J.H., Luyten, Y.A., Bower, K.M., Morgan, R.D., Roberts, R.J., Lindsay, J.A., Dryden, D.T.F. (2017) DNA target recognition domains in the Type I restriction and modification systems of Staphylococcus aureus. Nucl Acids Res 45(6): 3395-3406.
286. Fomenkov, A., Vincze, T., Grabovich, M.Y., Dubinina, G., Orlova, M., Belousova, E., Roberts, R.J. (2017) Whole-genome sequence and methylome analysis of the freshwater colorless sulfur bacterium Thioflexothrix psekupsii D3. Genome Announc 5(35): e00904-17. Doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00904-17.
287. Skowron, P.M., Anton, B.P., Czajkowska, E., Zebrowska, J., Sulecka, E., Krefft, D., Jezewska-Frackowiak, J., Zolnierkiewicz, O., Witkowska, M., Morgan, R.D., Wilson, G.G., Fomenkov, A., Roberts, R.J., Zylicz-Stachula, A. (2017) The third restriction-modification system from Thermus aquaticus YT-1: solving the riddle of two TaqII specificities. Nucl Acids Res. 45(15): 9005-9018. Doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx599.
288. Johnston, C.D., Skeete, C.A., Fomenkov, A., Roberts, R.J., Rittling, S.R. (2017) Restriction-modification mediated barriers to exogenous DNA uptake and incorporation employed by Prevotella intermedia. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0185234. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0185234.
289. Deptula, P., Laine, P.K., Roberts, R.J., Smolander, O.-P., Vihinen, H., Piironen, V., Paulin, L., Jokitalo, E., Savijoki, K., Auvinen, P., Varmanen, P. (2017) De novo assembly of genomes from long sequence reads reveals uncharted territories of Propionibacterium freudenreichii. BMC Genomics 18(1): 790. Doi.org/10.1186/s12864-017-4165-9.
290. Lissek, T., Adams, M., Adelman, J., Ahissar, E., Akaaboune, M., Akil, H., Arain, F., Arango-Lasprilla, J.C., Al’Absi, M., Atasoy, D., Avila, J., Badawi, A., Bading, H., Baig, A.M., Baleriola, J., Belmonte, C., Bertocchi, I., Betz, H., Blakemore, C., Blanke, O., Boehm-Sturm, P., Bonhoeffer, T., Bonifazi, P., Brose, N., Campolongo, P., Celikel, T., Chang, C.C., Chang, T.-Y., Citri, A., Cline, H., Cortes, J., Cullen, K., Dean, K., Delgado-Garcia, J.M., Desroches, M., Disterhoft, J.F., Dowling, J.E., Draguhn, A., El-Khamisy, S., El-Manira, A., Enam, A., Encinas, J.M., Erramuzpe, A., Esteban, J.A., Farinas, I., Fischer, E., Fukunaga, I., Gabilondo, In., Ganten, D., Gidon, A., Gomez-Esteban, J.C., Greengard, P., Grinevich, V., Gruart, A., Guillemin, R., Hariri, A.R., Hassan, B., Hausser, M., Hayashi, Y., Hussain, N.K., Jabbar, A., Jaber, M., Jahn, R., Janahi, E.M.A., Kabbaj, M., Kettenmann, H., Kindt, M., Knafo, S., Kohr, G., Komai, S., B., Krugers, H., Lakhdar Ghazal, N., Larkum, M.E., London, M., Lutz, B., Martinez-Millan, L., Maroun, M., McGaugh, J., Moustafa, A., Nasim, A., Nave, K., Neher, E., Nikolich, K., Outeiro, T., Palmer, L.M., Penagarikano, O., Perez-Otano, I., Pfaff, D.W., Poucet, B., Rahman, A.-u, Ramos-Cabrer, P., Rashidy-Pour, A., Roberts, R.J., Rodrigues, S., Sanes, J.R., Schaefer, A.T., Segal, M., Segev, I., Shafqat, S., Siddique, N.A., Soreq, H., Soriano-Garcia, E., Spanagel, R., Sprengel, R., Stuart, G., Sudhof, T.C., Tonnesen, J., Trevino, M., Uthman, B.M., Venter, J.C., Verkhratsky, A., Weiss, C., Wiesel, T.N., Yaksi, E., Yazhar, O., Young, P., Zawia, N.H., Zugaza, J.L., Hasan, M.T. (2017) Building bridges through science. Neuron 96: 730-735.
291. Roberts, R.J. (2017) The Nobel Laureates campaign supporting GMOs. En SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA, J.L., (dir y coor) Superación del hambre en el mundo: por una nueva humanidad. Estudio Interdisciplinar, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2017, pp. 25 – 42. Capítulo 2 del volumen.
292. Murray, I.A., Morgan, R.D., Luyten, Y., Fomenkov, A., Correa, I., Dai, N., Allaw, M.B., Zhang, X., Cheng, X., Roberts, R.J. (2018) The non-specific adenine DNA methyltransferase M.EcoGII. Nucl. Acids Res. 46(2): 840-848.
293. Fomenkov, A., Vincze, T., Mersha, F., Roberts, R.J. (2018) Complete genome sequence and methylome analysis of Bacillus caldolyticus NEB414. Genome Announcements 6(6): e01605-17. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01605-17.
294. Bottacini,F., Morrissey,R., Roberts, R.J., James, J., van Breen, J., Egan, M., Lambert, J., van Limpt, K., Knol, J., O’Connell Motherway, M. and van Sinderen, D. (2018) Comparative genome and methylome analysis reveals restriction/modification system diversity in the gut commensal Bifidobacterium breve. Nucleic Acids Research 46(4): 1860-1877. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx1289.
295. de Lorenzo, V., Prather, K.L.J., Chen, G.Q., O’Day, E., von Kameke, C., Oyarzun, D.A., Hosta-Rigau, L., Alsafar, H., Cao, C., Ji, W., Okano, H., Roberts, R.J., Ronaghi, M., Yeung, K., Zhang, F., Lee, S.Y. (2018) The power of synthetic biology for bioproduction, remediation and pollution control: The UN’s sustainable development goals will inevitably require the application of molecular biology and biotechnology on a global scale. EMBO Rep. 19(4): e45658. Doi: 10.15252/embr.201745658.
296. Roberts, R.J. (2018) The Nobel Laureates’ campaign supporting GMOs. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 3: 61-65.
297. O’Day, E., Hosta-Rigau, L., Oyarzún, D.A., Okano, H., de Lorenzo, V., von Kameke, C., Alsafar, H., Cao, C., Chen, G.Q., Ji, W., Roberts, R.J., Ronaghi, M., Yeung, K., Zhang, F., Lee, S.Y. (2018) Are we there yet? How and when specific biotechnologies will improve human health. Biotechnol J. 14(1): e1800195.
298. Anton, B.P., Roberts, R.J., Fomenkov, A., Humbert, A., Stoian, N., Zeilstra-Ryalls, J. (2018) Complete genome sequences of two Rhodobacter strains. Microbiol Resour Announc 7: e01162018.
299. Deptula, P., Smolander, O.-P., Laine, P., Roberts, R.J., Edelmann, M., Peltola, P., Piironen, V., Paulin, L., Storgards, E., Savijoki, K., Laitila, A., Auvinen, P., Varmanen, P. (2018) Acidipropionibacterium virtanenii sp. Nov., isolated from malted barley. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 68: 3175-3183. Doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.002965.
300. Amann, R.I., Baichoo, S., Blencowe, B.J., Bork, P., Borodovsky, M., Brooksbank, C., Chain, P.S.G., Colwell, R.R., Daffonchio, D.G., Danchin, A., de Lorenzo, V., Dorrestein, P.C., Finn, R.D., Fraser, C.M., Gilbert, J.A., Hallam, S.J., Hugenholtz, P., Ioannidis, J.P.A., Jansson, J.K., Kim, J.F., Klenk, H.-P., Klotz, M.G., Knight, R., Konstantinidis, K.T., Kyrpides, N.C., Mason, C.E., McHardy, A.C., Meyer, F., Ouzounis, C.A., Patrinos, A.A.N., Podar, M., Pollard, K.S., Ravel, J., Reyes Muñoz, A., Roberts, R.J., Rosselló-Móra, R., Sansone, S.-A., Schloss, P.D., Schriml, L.M., Setubal, J.C., Sorek, R., Stevens, R.L., Tiedje, J.M., Turjanski, A., Tyson, G.W., Ussery, D.W., Weinstock, G.M., White, O., Whitman, W.B., Xenarios, I. (2019) Toward unrestricted use of public genomic data. Science 363: 350-352.
301. Martinez, F.L., Anton, B.P., DasSarma, P., Rajal, V., Irazusta, V., Roberts, R.J., DasSarma, S. (2019) Complete genome sequence and methylome analysis of Micrococcus luteus SA211, a halophilic, lithium-tolerant Actinobacterium from Argentina. Microbiol Resour Announc 8: pii: e01557-18.
302. Fomenkov, A., Luyten, Y., Vincze, T., Anton, B.P., Roberts, R.J., Morgan, R.D. (2019) Complete genome sequence and methylome analysis of Deinococcus wulumuquiensis 479. Microbiol Resour Announc 8: e00066-19. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00066-19.
303. DasSarma, P., Anton, B.P., DasSarma, S., Laye, V.J., Guzman, D., Roberts, R.J., DasSarma, S. (2019) Genome sequence and methylation patterns of Halorubrum sp. BOL3-1, the first Haloarchaeon isolated and cultured from Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia. Microbiol Resour Announc 8:e00386-19. https://doi.org/10.1128/MRA.00386-19.
304. Amann, R.I., Baichoo, S., Blencowe, B.J., Bork, P., Borodovsky, M., Brooksbank, C., Chain, P.S.G., Colwell, R.R., Daffonchio, D.G., Danchin, A., de Lorenzo, V., Dorrestein, P.C., Finn, R.D., Fraser, C.M., Gilbert, J.A., Hallam, S.J., Hugenholtz, P., Ioannidis, J.P.A., Jansson, J.K., Kim, J.F., Klenk, H.-P., Klotz, M.G., Knight, R., Konstantinidis, K.T., Kyrpides, N.C., Mason, C.E., McHardy, A.C., Meyer, F., Ouzounis, C.A., Patrinos, A.A.N., Podar, M., Pollard, K.S., Ravel, J., Reyes Muñoz, A., Roberts, R.J., Rosselló-Móra, R., Sansone, S.-A., Schloss, P.D., Schriml, L.M., Setubal, J.C., Sorek, R., Stevens, R.L., Tiedje, J.M., Turjanski, A., Tyson, G.W., Ussery, D.W., Weinstock, G.M., White, O., Whitman, W.B., Xenarios, I. (2019) Consent insufficient for data release-Response. Science 364: 446.
305. Feyereisen, M., Mahony, J., Kelleher, P., Roberts, R.J., O’Sullivan, T., Geertman, J.-M., van Sinderen, D. (2019) Comparative genome analysis of the Lactobacillus brevis species. BMC Genomics. 20: 416-431.
306. DasSarma, S., Fomenkov, A., DasSarma, S.L., Vincze, T., DasSarma, P., Roberts, R.J. (2019) Methylomes of two extremely halophilic archaea species, Haloarcula marismortui and Haloferax mediterranei. Microbiol Resourc Announc 8(27): e00577-19.
307. DasSarma, P., Anton, B.P., DasSarma, S.L., Martinez, F.L., Guzman, D., Roberts, R.J., DasSarma, S. (2019) Genome sequences and methylation patterns of Natrinema versiforme BOL5-4 and Natrinema pallidum BOL6-1, two extremely halophilic archaea from a Bolivian salt mine. Microbiol Resource Announcements 8(33): e00810-19. Doi: 10.1128/MRA.00810-19.
308. Mankai, H., Anton, B.P., Wu, V., Vincze, T., Roberts, R.J., Limam, F., Fomenkov, A. (2019) Complete genome sequence and methylome analysis of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris 2H. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 8: pii: e00657-19. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00657-19.
309. Deptula, P., Loivamaa, I., Smolander, O.-P., Laine, P., Roberts, R.J., Piironen, V., Paulin, L., Savijoki, K., (2019) Red-brown pigmentation of Acidipropionibacterium jensenii is tied to Haemolytic activity and cyl-like gene cluster. Microorganisms 7: 512.
310. Hong, K.-W., Tee, K.K., Yin, W.-F., Roberts, R.J., Chan, K.-G. (2019) Methylome characterization of Burkholderia pseudomallei strain 982 at single-base resolution. Microbiol Resour Announc 8(43): e00898-19.
311. FomenkovA., GrabovichM., Belousova, E., Smolyakov, D., Dubinina, G., Roberts,R.J. (2019)Complete Genome Sequence and Methylome Analysis of Sphaerotilus natans subsp. sulfidivorans D-507. Microbiol Resource Announc 8(46): e01194-19. doi: 10.1128/MRA.01194-19.
312. Anton, B., DasSarma, P., Martinez, F., DasSarma, S., Al Madadha, M., Roberts, R.J., DasSarma, S. (2020) Genome sequence of Salarchaeum sp. JOR-1, an extremely halophilic archaeon from the Dead Sea. Microbiology Resource Announcements 9: e01505-19.
313. Horton, J.R., Yang, J., Zhang, X., Petronzio, T., Fomenkov, A., Wilson, G.G., Roberts, R.J., Cheng, X. (2020) Structure of HhaI endonuclease with cognate DNA at an atomic resolution of 1.0 Å. Nucleic Acids Research 48: 1466-1478.
314. Stenmark, B., Harrison, O.B., Eriksson, L., Anton, B.P., Fomenkov, A., Roberts, R.J., Tooming-Klunderud, A., Bratcher, H.B., Bray, J.E., Thulin-Hedberg, S., Maiden, M.C.J., Molling, P. (2020) Complete genome and methylome analysis of Neisseria meningitidis associated with increased serogroup Y disease. Sci. Rep. 10(1): 3644.
315. Fomenkov, A., Grabovich, M.Y., Dubinina, G., Leshcheva, N., Mikheeva, N., Vincze, T., Roberts, R.J. (2020) Complete genome sequences and methylome analysis of two environmental Spirochaetes. Microbiol Resour Announc 9(15): e00236-20.
316. DeLisi, C., Patrinos, A., MacCracken, M., Drell, D., Annas, G., Arkin, A., Church, G., Cook-Deegan, R., Jacoby, H., Lidstrom, M., Melillo, J., Milo, R., Paustian, K., Reilly, J., Roberts, R.J., Segre, D., Solomon, S., Woolf, D., Wullschleger, S.D., Yang, X. (2020) The role of synthetic biology in atmospheric greenhouse gas reduction: Prospects and challenges. Biodesign Research. Article ID 1016207. https://doi.org/10.34133/2020/1016207
317. Roberts, R.J. (2020) The Nobel Laureates’ Campaign in favor of GMOs. Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum Acta 24: 383-397.
318. Deptula, P., Laine, P., Paulin, L., Auvinen, P., Roberts, R.J., Johnston, C.D., Varmanen, P. (2020) Complete genome sequences and methylome analyses of Cutibacterium acnes subsp. acnes strains DSM 16379 and DSM 1897T. Microbiol Resour Announc. 9: e00705-20.
319. Mankai, H., Wende, W., Slama, N., Ayed, A., Roberts, R.J., Limam, F. (2020) Biochemical and molecular characterization of a restriction endonuclease Tvu2HI from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris 2H and study of its R-M system. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 164: 3105-3113.
320. Ben-Assa,N., Coyne, M.J., Fomenkov, A., Livny, J., Robins, W.P., Muniesa, M., Carey, V., Carasso, S., Gefen, T., Jofre, J., Roberts, R.J., Comstock, L.E., Geva-Zatorsky, N. (2020) Analysis of a phase-variable restriction modification system of the human gut symbiont Bacteroides fragilis. Nucleic Acids Research 48(19):11040-11053.
321. Huang, X., Wang, J., Li, J., Liu, X., Kurniyati, K., Deng, Y., Wang, G., Ralph, J.D., De Ste Croix, M., Escobar-Gonzalez, S., Roberts, R.J., Veening, J.-W., Lan, X., Oggioni, M.R., Li, C., Zhang, J.-R. (2020) Prevalence of phase variable epigenetic invertons among host-associated bacteria. Nucleic Acids Research 48(20): 11468-11485.
322. Fomenkov, A., Sun, Z., Murray, I.A., Ruse, C., McClung, C., Yamaichi, Y., Raleigh, E.A., Roberts, R.J. (2020) Plasmid Replication-Associated Single-Strand-Specific Methyltransferases. Nucleic Acids Research 48(22): 12858-12873.
323. Kasif, S. and Roberts, R.J. (2020) We need to keep a reproducible trace of facts, predictions, and hypotheses from gene to function in the era of big data. PLoS Biology 18(11): e3000999.
324. Stenmark, B., Eriksson, L., Hedberg, S.T., Anton, B.P., Fomenkov, A., Roberts, R.J., Mölling, P. (2021) Genome-wide methylome analysis of two strains belonging to the hypervirulent Neisseria meningitidis serogroup W ST-11 clonal complex. Scientific Reports 11: 6239.
325. DasSarma, P., Anton, B.P., DasSarma, S.L., von Ehrenheim, H.A.L., Martinez, F.L, Guzmán, D., Roberts, R.J., DasSarma, S. (2021) Genome sequence and methylation pattern of Haloterrigena salifodinae BOL5-1, an extremely halophilic archaeon from a Bolivian salt mine. Microbiol Resour Announc. 10(18): e00275-21. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00275-21
326. Anton, B.P., Fomenkov, A., Wu, V., Roberts, R.J. (2020) Genome-wide identification of 5-methylcytosine sites in bacterial genomes by high-throughput sequencing of MspJI restriction fragments. PLoS One 16(5): e0247541. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247541. bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.10.430591
327. Xu, S.-y., Zemlyanskaya, E.V., Gonchar, D.A., Sun, Z., Weigele, P., Fomenkov, A., Degtyarev, S.Kh., Roberts, R.J. (2021) Characterization of BisI homologues. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 689929. Frontiers | Characterization of BisI Homologs | Microbiology (frontiersin.org)
328. DasSarma, P., Anton, B., von Ehrenheim, H., Roberts, R.J., DasSarma, S. (2021) Complete genome sequence of an extremely halophilic archaeon from Great Salt Lake, Halobacterium sp. GSL-19. Microbiology Resource Announcements 10: e00520-21.
329. Liyaskina, E., Rakova, N.A., Kitykina, A.A., Rusyaeva, V.V., Toukach, P.V., Fomenkov, A., Vainauskas, S., Roberts, R.J., Revin, V.V. (2021) Production and characterization of the exopolysaccharide from novel strain Paenibacillus polymyxa 2020. PLoS One 16(7): e0253482.
330. Murray, I.A., Luyten, Y., Fomenkov, A., Dai, N., Corrêa, I., Farmerie, W.G., Clark, T.A., Korlach, J., Morgan, R.D., Roberts, R.J. (2021) Structural and functional diversity among Type III restriction-modification systems that confer host DNA protection via methylation of the N4 atom of cytosine. PLoS One 16(7): e0253267.
331. Xu, S.-Y., Zemlyanskaya, E.V., Gonchar, D.A., Sun, Z., Weigele, P., Fomenkov, A., Degtyarev, S.Kh., Roberts, R.J. (2021) Characterization of BisI Homologs. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12:689929. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.689929
332. Anton, B.P., Roberts, R.J. (2021) Beyond restriction-modification: Epigenomic roles of DNA methylation in prokaryotes. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 75: 129-149. doi: 10.1146/annurev-micro-040521-035040.
333. Fomenkov, A., DasSarma, P., Kennedy, S.P., Roberts, R.J., DasSarma, S. (2021) Complete genome and methylome analysis of the box-shaped halophilic archaeon Haloarcula sinaiiensis ATCC33800. Microbiol Resour Announc. 10(34): e00619-21. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00619-21. PMID: #34435862 (August 27, 2021)
334. Baum, C., Lin, Y.-C., Fomenkov, A., Anton, B.P., Chen, L., Yan, B., Evans, T.C., Jr., Roberts, R.J., Tolonen, A.C., Ettwiller, L. (2021) Rapid identification of methylase specificity (RIMS-seq) jointly identifies methylated motifs and generates shotgun sequencing of bacterial genomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 49, e113 https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkub705.
335. Ramos, S.F., Brugger, S., Escapa, I.F., Skeete, C., Cotton, S., Eslami, S., Gao, W., Bomar, L., Tran, T., Jones, D., Minot, S., Roberts, R., Johnston, C., Lemon, K. (2021) Genomic Stability and Genetic Defense Systems in Dolosigranulum pigrum a Candidate Beneficial Bacterium from the Human Microbiome. mSystems 6: e00425-21. (bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.16.440249)
336. Ravin, N.V., Rudenko, T.S., Smolyakov, D.D., Beletsky, A.V., Rakitin, A.L., Markov, N.D., Fomenkov, A., Sun, L., Roberts, R.J., Novikov, A.A., Karnachuk, O.V., Grabovich, Y. (2021) Comparative genome analysis of the genus Thiothrix involving three novel species, Thiothrix subterranean sp. Nov. Ku-5, Thiothrix litoralis sp. nov. AS and ‘Candidatus Thiothrix anitrata’ sp. nov. A52, revealed the conservation of the pathways of dissimilatory sulfur metabolism and variations in the genetic inventory for nitrogen metabolism and autotrophic carbon fixation. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 760269.
337. Das Sarma, P., Anton, B., von Ehrenheim, H., Martinez, F., Guzman, D., Roberts, R.J., DasSarma, S. (2021) Genome sequence of Halobacterium sp. BOL4-2 isolated and cultured from Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia. Microbiology Resource Announcements 10(48): e0104521. Published Dec 2, 2021.
338. May, M., Giddings, L.V., DeLisi, C., Drell, D., Patrinos, A., Hirsch, S., Roberts, R.J. (2022) Constructive principles for gene editing oversight. Nature Biotechnol. 40: 17-18. Published Jan 6, 2022.
339. DasSarma, P., Anton, B., Griffith, J., Kunka, K., Roberts, R.J., DasSarma, S. (2022) Genome sequence of the early twentieth-century extreme halophile Halobacterium sp. NRC-34001. Microbiology Resource Announcements 11(1): e01181-21. Published Jan 13, 2022.
340. Wilbanks, E.G., Doré, H., Ashby, M.H., Heiner, C., Roberts, R.J., Eisen, J.A. (2022) Metagenomic methylation patterns resolve complex microbial genomes. ISME J.16:1921-1931. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-022-01242-7. Published Apr 22, 2022.
341. Li, Z., Bruce, J.L., Cohen, B., Cunningham, C.V., Jack, W.E., Kunin, K., Langhorst, B.W., Miller, J., Moncion, R.A., Poole, C.B., Premsrirut, P.K., Ren, G., Roberts, R.J., Tanner, N.A., Zhang, Y, Carlow, C.K.S. (2022) Development and implementation of a simple and rapid extraction-free saliva SARS-CoV-2 RT-LAMP workflow for workplace surveillance. PLoS ONE. 17(5): e0268692. Published May 26, 2022. (medRxiv: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.03.11.22272282v1)
342. Primorac, D. and Roberts, R.J. (2022) The Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Development. Croatian Medical Journal. 63: 213-220.
343. Roberts, R.J., Vincze, T., Posfai, J., Macelis, D. (2022) REBASE: a database for DNA restriction and modification: enzymes, genes and genomes. Nucleic Acids Res. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkac975. Published November 1, 2022.

Archival Papers
Kasif, S., Letovsky, S., Roberts, R.J., Steffen, M. (2017) Not all experimental questions are created equal: Accelerating biological data to knowledge transformation (BD2K) via science informatics, active learning and artificial intelligence. bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/155150
Wilbanks, E.G., Dore, H., Ashby, M.H., Heiner, C., Roberts, R.J., Eisen, J.A. (2021) Metagenomic methylation patterns resolve complex microbial genomes. bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.01/18.427177

PUBLISHED PAPERS in non-open access journals on which Prof. Roberts declined to be an author.
1. Hashimoto, H., Pais, J.E., Zhang, X., Saleh, L., Fu, Z.-Q., Dai, N., Correa, I.R.Jr., Zheng, Y., Cheng, X. (2014) Structure of a Naegleria Tet-like dioxygenase in complex with 5-methylcytosine DNA. Nature. 506(7488): 391–395.
2. Oliveira, P.H., Ribis, J.W., Garrett, E.M., Trzilova, D., Kim, A., Sekulovic, O., Mead, E.A., Pak, T., Zhu, S., Deikus, G., Touchon, M., Lewis-Sandari, M., Beckford, C., Zeitouni, N.E., Altman, D.R., Wester, E., Oussenko, I., Bunyavanich, S., Aggarwal, A.K., Bashir, A., Patel, G., Wallach, F., Hamula, C., Huprikar, S., Schadt, E.E., Sebra, R., van Bakel, H., Kasarskis, A., Tamayo, R., Shen, A., Fang, G. (2019) Epigenomic characterization of Clostridioides difficile finds a conserved DNA methyltransferase that meditates sporulation and pathogenesis. Nature Microbiology 5(1): 166-180.

1. Beynon, R., Modelevsky, J., Roberts, R., Soll, D. (1988) Editorial. CABIOS 4: 1.
2. Roberts, R.J. (1994) Protein Modification. The NEB Transcript 6: 3-5.
3. Roberts, R.J. (1995) On the early evolution of proteins. Genesis (Univ. Derby).
4. Wong-Madden, S. and Roberts, R.J. (1996) In vivo activation of recombinant MAPK. The NEB Transcript 8: 10.
5. Roberts, R.J. (1996) Foreward to “Nucleic Acids in Chemistry and Biology” Blackburn, G.M., Gait, M.J. (Eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2nd Edition.
6. Roberts, R.J. (1996) Foreward to “Laboratory DNA Science” by Bloom, M.V., Freyer, G.A., Micklos, D.A., The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
7. Barshevsky, T., Roberts, R.J., (1997) In vivo, in vitro, in coli. The NEB Transcript. 8: 14.
8. Morgan, R., Polisson, C., Posfai, J., Roberts, R.J. (1997) The World of Restriction Enzymes. The NEB Transcript 8: 6-7.
9. Roberts, R.J., Botstein, D., Brenner, S., Detmer, D., Neidhardt, F., Olsen, G., Rubin, G. (1997) Molecular Biological Databases: A Report. Prepared for the Regents of the National Library of Medicine.
10. Roberts, R.J. (1997) International Aspects of Molecular Biology Databases. Prepared for the National Library of Medicine Long-Range Planning Committee.
11. Roberts, R.J. (1997) Definition of “isoschizomer” in the Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Smith, A.D., Datta, S.P., Smith, G.H., Campbell, P.N., Bentley, R., McKenzie, H.A. (Eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford.
12. Roberts, R.J. (1998) Letter to the Editor. The Nucleus. LXXVI: 8.
13. Roberts, R.J. (January, 1998) The New Biology. In: A Global Vision for the National Library of Medicine. Report of the Board of Regents, National Library of Medicine Long Range Plan, p. 15-16.
14. Roberts, R.J. (September, 1998) The New Biology. In: A Global Vision for the National Library of Medicine. Report of the Board of Regents, National Library of Medicine Long Range Plan, p. 21.
15. Roberts, R.J. (1999) Supplemental Report of Civil Action No. C-93-1748-VRW, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. v. Promega Corporation.
16. Roberts, R.J. (1999) Introduction and commentary for “Specific cleavage in Simian Virus 40 DNA by restriction endonuclease of Hemophilus Influenzae” by K. Danna and D. Nathans. Reviews in Medical Virology 9: 75-81.
17. Roberts, R.J. (1999) Commentary on back of book “Essentials of Glycobiology” A. Barki, R., Cummings, J. Esko, H. Freeze, G. Hart, J. Marth (Eds.) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
18. Posfai, J. and Roberts, R.J. (1999) Prospecting for new restriction enzymes: Guilt by association. Abstract, RECOM99.
19. Roberts, R.J. (2000) The discovery of split genes and RNA splicing. Web site “Great Experiments”.
20. Chow, L.C., Gelinas, R.E., Broker, T.R., Roberts, R.J. (2000). An amazing sequence arrangement at the 5′ ends of adenovirus 2 messenger RNA. Reviews in Medical Virology 10(6): 362–356
21. Roberts, R.J. (2001) The sensitivity of restriction enzymes to methylated DNA. The NEB Transcript 11: 12-15.
22. Arrow, K.J., Axelrod, J., Benacerraf, B., Berg, P., Bishop, J.M., Bloembergen, N., Brown, H.C., Cibelli, J., Cohen, S., Cooper, L.N., Corey, E.J., Cronin, J.W., Curl, R. Jr., Dulbecco, R., Fischer, E.H., Fitch, V.L., Fogel, R., Friedman, J.I., Furchgott, R.F., Gell-Mann, M., Gilbert, W., Gilman, A., Glaser, D., Glashow, S.L., Green, R.M., Greengard, P., Guillemin, R., Hayflick, L., Hauptman, H.A., Heckman, J.J., Heeger, A., Herschbach, D., Hubel, D.H., Hulse, R., Kandel, E., Karle, J., Klein, L.R., Kohn, W., Kornberg, A., Krebs, E.G., Lanza, R.P., Laughlin, R., Lederman, L., Lee, D.M., Lewis, E., Lipscomb, W. Jr., Marcus, R.A., McFadden, D., Merrifield, R.B., Merton, R., Modigliani, F., Molina, M.J., Murad, F., Nirenberg, M.W., North, D.C., Olah, G.A., Osheroff, D., Palade, G.E., Perl, M., Ramsey, N.F., Richter, B., Roberts, R.J., Samuelson, P.A., Schwartz M., Sharp, P.A., Smalley, R.E., Smith, H.O., Solow, R.M., Stormer, H., Taube, H., Taylor, R., Thomas, E.D., Tobin, J., Tonegawa, S., Townes, C., Watson, J.D., Weinberg, S., Weller, T.H., West, M.D., Wieschaus, E.F., Wiesel, T.N., Wilson, R.W. (2001) Nobel Laureates’ Letter to President Bush. Washington Post Feb 22, 2001: A02. PubMed ID: 12462241
23. Ashburner, M., Brown, P.O., Eisen, M.B., Kirschner, M., Khosla, C., Nusse, R., Roberts, R.J., Scott, M., Varmus, H., Wold, B. (2001) August 31. Open Letter, Public Library of Science.
24. Roberts, R.J. (2002) Foreword. Current Protocols in Bioinformatics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. i-ii.
25. Roberts, R.J. (2002) Nucleic Acids. Encyclopaedia Britannica.
26. Roberts, R.J. (2003) Trailblazer Michael Smith. Time (Canadian Edition) May 26, 2003, p. 60.
27. Roberts, R.J. (2003) Why can’t I live on French fries? (Bettina Stiekel, Ed.) The Nobel Book of Answers, p. 11-23.
28. Roberts, R.J. (2003) Biochemistry 24/7 (Enhanced). Annals of Improbable Research 9: 26.
29. Roberts, R.J. (2004) On Purpose: Towards a Meaningful Life. Selections by Margaret Gee (Glenda Downing, Ed.) New Holland Publishers (Australia), p. 79.
30. Roberts, R.J., Karp, P., Kasif, S., Linn, S., Buckley, M.R. (2004) An experimental approach to genome annotation. A Report from the American Academy of Microbiology. 1-12.
31. Roberts, R.J. (2004) Identifying Protein Function – A call for community action. PLoS Biology 2: 0293.
32. Roberts, R.J. (2004) Commentary on the “Call for an enzyme genomics initiative” by Peter D. Karp. Genome Biology, 2004, 5: 401.
33. Zinder, N. and Roberts, R.J. (2005) Preserving an important collection. Science 307: 515.
34. Roberts, R.J. (2005) Point-Counterpoint: Open Access. Roberts and Banks debate publishing policies for online scientific literature. Chemical & Engineering News 83: 37-41.
35. Roberts, R.J. (2005) Foreword to “Nucleic Acids in Chemistry and Biology, Third Edition by Mike Blackburn, Mike Gait, David Loakes and David Williams”.
36. Roberts, R.J. and 113 fellow Nobel Laureates (2006) An open letter to Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. Nature 444: 146.
37. Buckley, M. and Roberts, R.J. (2006) Reconciling microbial systematics & genomics. A report from the American Academy of Microbiology (based on a colloquium sponsored by the American Academy of Microbiology, convened September 27-28, 2006, Washington, DC).
38. Engelward, B.P. and Roberts, R.J. (2007) Open access to research is in the public interest. PLoS Biology. 5: e48.
39. Brenner, S., Roberts, R.J. (2007) Save your notes, drafts and printouts: today’s work is tomorrow’s history. Nature 446: 725.
40. Colizzi, V., de Oliveira, T., Roberts, R.J. (2007) Libya should stop denying scientific evidence on HIV. Nature 448: 992.
41. Roberts, R.J. (2007) Message to the Congress of Richard J. Roberts, In: Proceedings of the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research, Rome, February 16-18, 2006, p. 28.
42. Roberts, R.J. (2008) Restriction enzymes at NEB: Over 30 years of innovation. NEB Expressions 2.4: 1-3.
43. Roberts, R.J. (2008) Foreword to Health and Sports in Africa. A challenge for development. (F.-X. Mbopi-Keou, Ed.). John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France.
44. Lenz, T., Poot, P., Anton, B.P., Hueben, M., Dalhoff, C., Baessler, O., Glinski, M., Roberts, R.J., Weinhold, E., Dreger, M., Koester, H. (2009) Proteomic Forum 2009 Freie Universitat Berlin (oral presentation).
45. Roberts, R.J. (2009) Protect our access to medical research. The Boston Globe. March 23, 2009.
46. Collins, J.J., Endy, D., Hutchison, C.A. III, Roberts, R.J. (2010) Editorial – Synthetic Biology. Nucl. Acids Res. 38: 2513.
47. Lunnen, K., O’Driscoll, J., Heiter, D., Roberts, R., Wilson, G. (2010) Unusual new restriction-modification systems. 6th New England Biolabs Meeting on Restriction/Modification, Jacobs University, Bremen, August 1-6, 2010.
48. Letter to the Editor of The Times from Donald W. Braben and others (2010).
49. Roberts, R.J. (2010) Statement before the Subcommittee on Information Policy, the Census and National Archives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform regarding public access to publicly funded research.
50. Fomenkov, A., Benner, J., Chan, S.-H., Roberts, R.J., Morgan, R.D. (2011) DrdVI: a new ATP-dependent, multi-subunit restriction-modification system that uses a split methyltransferase for host protection. Abstract for the Nankai meeting.
51. Chang, Y.-C., Hu, Z., Rachlin, J.N., Anton, B.P., Pokrzywa, R., Choi, H.-P., Faller, L.L., Guleria, J., Housman, G., Klitgord, N., Mazumdar, V., McGettrick, M.G., Osmani, L., Swaminathan, R., Tao, K., Letovsky, S., Vitkuip, D., Sergre, D., Salzberg, S.L., Celisi, C., Steffen, M., Roberts, R.J., Kasif, S. (2011) COMBREX: Accelerating the functional annotation of prokaryotic genomes. Abstract for the IWBSB (International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology), Berlin.
52. Anton, B.P., Clark, T.A., Boitano, M., Korlach, J., Roberts, R.J. (2012) Determination of DNA Methyltransferase Specificity by Single Molecule Real Time (SMRT) Sequencing. Poster, 19th Annual Internal Meeting on Microbial Genomics, Lake Arrowhead, CA. September 16-29, 2012.
53. Colwell, R., Avery, S., Berger, J., Davis, G.E., Hamilton, H., Lovejoy, T., Malcom., S., McMullen, A., Novacek, M., Roberts, R.J., Tapia, R., Machlis, G. (2012) Revisiting Leopold: Resource Stewardship in the National Parks. A Report of the National Park System Advisory Board Science Committee.
54. Harhay, G.P., McVey, D.S., Korlach, J., Roberts, R., Anton, B.P., Chitko-McKown, C.G., Clawson, M.L., Heaton, M.P., Harhay, D., Smith, T.P.L. (2012) Application of SMRT genome sequencing to reveal the methylomes of bacteria associated with respiratory disease outbreaks in beef cattle. (Abstract)
55. Roberts, R. (2012) Nucleic Acids Research and Open Access. http://blog.oup.com/2012/10/nucleic-acids-research-and-openaccess/
56. Roberts, R.J. (2012) TOPIC: Arsenic-based Life. Complete technical description in TWENTY-FOUR (24) SECONDS. Annals of Improbable Research 18: 20-21.
57. Posfai, J., Pedamallu, C., Roberts, R.J. (2012) Domain fusions in restriction-modification system enzymes and genomic contexts of fusions. Abstract, 4th ICDDT, Proteomics and Bioinformatics track.
58. Posfai, J., Vincze, T., Roberts, R.J. (2013) Mapping functional details to restriction-modification system specificity subunits. Abstract, ISMB/ECCB Berlin, July 19-23.
59. Golomb, B.A., Brenner, S., Chalfie, M., Glashow, S.L., Glauber, R.J., Hubel, D.H., Maskin, E.S., Greengard, P., Gross, D.J., Roberts, R., Tonegawa, S., Wilczek, F.A., Brown, E.M., Sejnowski, T.J. (2013) Chocolate habits of Nobel prizewinners. Nature 499: 409.
60. Allard, M.W., Pirone, C., Muruvanda, T., Hoffman, M., Soler-Garcia, A.A., Wang, C., Strain, E., Timme, R., Payne, J., Luo, Y., Keys, C.E., Cooper, T., Chin, C.-S., Korlach, J., Musser, S.M., Zhao, S., Stones, R., Roberts, R.J., Evans, P., Brown, E.W. (2013) New discoveries from closing Salmonella genomes using Pacific Biosciences continuous long reads. Poster for ASM Salmonella Conference.
61. Fomenkov, A., Clark, T., Spittle, K., Anton, B.M., Vincze, T., Korlach, J., Roberts, R.J. (2013) Molecular dissection of the methylome of Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315. FEBS J. 280: 72-73.
62. Muruvanda, T., Pirone, C., Hoffmann, M., Allard, M.W., Wang, C., Strain, E., Timme, R., Luo, Y., Keys, C.E., Payne, J., Luong, K., Song, Y., Chin, C.-S., Korlach, J., Roberts, R.J., Musser, S.M., Evans, P.S., Brown, E.W. (2014) New discoveries in Salmonella genome closure. ASM Meeting Poster.
63. Fomenkov, A., Galina, D.A., Margarita, G.Y.,Vincze, T., Roberts, R., Vladimir, A.N. (2014) The genomic analysis of Spirochaeta perfilievii sp. Isolated from a sulfur ‘Thiodendron’ mat in the mineral springs or Northern Russia. Abstract for meeting of the RuSciTech Forum USA, Tempe, AZ, March 10-11, 2014.
64. DebRoy, C., Korlach, J., Kieu, A., Boitano, M., Hegde, N., Clark, T.A., Roberts, R., Gao, Y., Kapur, V. (2014) Comparative methylome analysis of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli strains causing urinary tract infection in humans with those causing fatal pneumonia in animals. Abstract for meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
65. Roberts, R.J. (2013) Bacterial methylomes. Hans Krebs Lecture, The FEBS Journal 280 (Suppl. 1): 1.
66. Fomenkov, A., Clark, T., Spittle, K., Anton, B.M., Vincze, T., Korlach, J., Roberts, R.J. (2013) Molecular dissection of the methylome of Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315. FEBS Journal 280 (Suppl. 1): 72.
67. Mille, C., Pouseele, H., Baybayan, P., Marceau, M., Harting, J., Roberts, R., Brosch, R., Korlach, J., Philip, S. (2014) On top of conserved genomes: diverse DNA methylomes of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. EMBO Conference “Genomes 2014”, Paris.
68. Shell, S.S., Fomenkov, A., Chase, M.R., Roberts, R.J., Fortune, S.M. (2014) Strain-based differences in DNA methyltransferase activities in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Abstract for meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
69. Mariita, R.M., Bhatnagar, S., Hanselmann, K., Hossain, M.J., Dawson, S., Korlach, J., Boitano, M., Roberts, R.J., Liles, M.R., Moss, A.G., Leadbetter, J.R., Newman, D.K. (2015) Genome mining for secondary metabolites and epigenomics for two soil actinomycetales co-isolates. Abstract for meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
70. Roberts, R.J. (2015) Networking at the STS forum. STS forum Newsletter, The 12th Annual Meeting of STS forum Spring, No. 1.
71. Xu, S.-Y., Klein, P., Degtyarev, S.Kh., Roberts, R.J. (2015) Characterization of methylation-dependent restriction enzyme BisI and its close relatives. The 7th NEB Meeting on DNA Restriction and Modification. August 24-29, 2015, University of Gdansk, Poland.
72. Roberts, R.J. (2015) Guest Blog: Rich Roberts urges Scientists to ‘Think Methylation’ in Microbial Sequencing. http://www.pacb.com/blog/guest-blog-rich-roberts-urges-scientists-to-think-methylation-in-microbial-sequencing/
73. Fomenkov, A., Dila, D., Anton, B., Sun, Z., Roberts, R., Raleigh, E.A. (2016) McrX, a novel modification-dependent restriction enzyme in E. coli B. Abstract.
74. Hutinet, G., Kellner, S.M., Golomidova, A.K. Kulikov, E.K., Letarov, A.V., Roberts, R.J., Dedon, P.C., de Crecy-Lagard, V. (2016) Elucidation of the pathway for the synthesis of deoxyarchaeosine, a complex modification of phage 9g DNA. Abstract, EMBO Conference, July 18-22, 2016, Liverpool, UK.
75. Blaxter, M., Danchin, A., Savakis, B., Fukami-Kobayashi, K., Kurokawa, K., Sugano, S., Roberts, R.J., Salzberg, S.L., Wu, C.-I. (2016) Reminder to deposit DNA sequences. Nature 533: 179.
76. Blaxter, M., Danchin, A., Savakis, B., Fukami-Kobayashi, K., Kurokawa, K., Sugano, S., Roberts, R.J., Salzberg, S.L., Wu, C.-I. (2016) Reminder to deposit DNA sequences. Science 352: 780.
77. Brenner, S., Evans, M., Geim, A., Gurdon, J., Higgs, P., Hunt, T., Lindahl, T., Novoselov, K., Nurse, P., O’Keefe, J., Roberts, R., Sulston, J., Walker, J. (2016) Letter to The Telegraph signed by 13 Nobel Laureates.
78. Roberts, R.J. (2016) EU politicians ignore ‘politically unwelcome’ GMO science. Guest Opinion, Green Biotech rEvolutions.
79. Hutinet, G., Kellner, S.M., Golomidova, A.K., Kulikov, E.K., Letarov, A.V., Roberts, R.J., Dedon, P.C., de Crecy-Lagard, V. (2016) Elucidation of the pathway for the synthesis of 2’-deoxyarchaeosinem, a complex modification of page 9g DNA. Viruses of Microbes 2016 Meeting, 18-22 July 2016, Liverpool, U.K.
80. Braben, D. et al. (2017) The dangers of supporting predictable research. Letter to the Editor, The London Sunday Times.
81. Roberts, R.J. (2017) An obituary for the impact factor. Nature (Comment/Correspondence) 546: 600.
82. Yunus, M., Maguire, M., Williams, B., Tutu, D., Arias, O., Ebadi, S., Gbowee, L., Karman, T., Yousafzai, M., Roberts, R., Akhtar, J., Albar, S. H., Azmi, S., Bonino, E., Bono, Branson, R., Brundtland, G. H., Curtis, R., Ibrahim, M., … Zeitz, J. (2017, September 17). An Open Letter to UN Security Council to Intervene to end the human crisis in Rakhine, Mynmar. South Asian Journal. Retrieved December 8, 2022, from http://southasiajournal.net/an-open-letter-to-un-security-council-to-intervene-to-end-the-human-crisis-in-rakhine-myanmar/.
83. Oliveira, P.H., Kim, A., Sekulovic, O., Pak, T., Zhu, S., Mead, E.A., Deikus, G., Lewis, M., Beckford, C., Zeitouni, N., Altman, D., Webster, E., Oussenko, I., Aggarwal, A., Bashir, A., Patel, G., Hamula, C., Huprikar, S., Roberts, R.J., Tamayo, R., Schadt, E.E., Sebra, R., van Bakel, H., Kasarskis, A., Shen, A., Fang, G. (2018) Epigenomic landscape of the human pathogen Clostridium difficile from comparative and functional analysis. ASM Microbe 2018 Meeting, 7-11 June, 2018, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
84. Roberts, R.J. (2018) Nobel laureate Sir Richard Roberts: Uganda will remain trapped by food poverty if its leaders bow to anti-biotech activists. Geneticliteracyproject.org/2018/04/19/nobel-laureate-sir-richard-roberts-uganda-will-remain-trapped-by-food-poverty-if-its-leaders-bow-to-ani-biotech-activists/
85. Roberts, R.J. (2018) Will anti-biotech activists succeed in imposing their pro-poverty agenda on Uganda? New Vision.
86. Roberts, R.J. (2018) Foreword to Judith Heimann’s book “Using Nature’s Shuttle”.
87. Stenmark, B., Eriksson, L., Anton, B.P., Fomenkov, A., Tooming-Klunderud, A., Thulin Hedberg, S., Roberts, R.J., Mölling, A. (2018) Methylome comparison of two meningococcal sub-lineages of serogroup Y cc23. Poster at the International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference (IPNC) in Monterey, CA, September 23-28, 2018.
88. Amann, R.I., Baichoo, S., Biencowe, B.J., Bork, P., Borodovsky, M., Brooksbank, C., Chain, P.S.G., Colwell, R.R., Daffonchio, D.G., Danchin, A., de Lorenzo, V., Dorrestein, P.C., Finn, R.D., Fraser, C.M., Gilbert, J.A., Hallam, S.J., Hugenholtz, P., Ioanniis, J.P.A., Jansson, J.K., Kim, J.F., Klenk, H.-P., Klotz, M.G., Knight, R., Konstantinidis, K.T., Kyrpides, N.C., Mason, C.E., McHardy, A.C., Meyer, F., Ouzounis, C.A.,. Patrinos, A.A.N., Podar, M., Pollard, K.S., Ravel, J., Reyes Munoz, A., Roberts, R.J., Rossello-Mora, R., Sansone, S.-A., Schloss, P.D., Schrimi, L.M., Setubal, J.C., Sorek, R., Stevens, R.L., Tiedje, J.M., Turjanski, A., Tyson, G.W., Ussery, D.W., Weinstock, G.M., White, O., Whitman, W.B., Xenarios, I. (2019) Consent Insufficient for data release – Response. Science 364(6439): 446. Doi: 10.1126/science.aax7509.
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96. Roberts, R.J., Blaxter, M.L., de Crécy-Lagard, V., Danchin, A., Kurokawa, K., Sevakis, B., Salzberg, S.L., Sugano, S., Weissenbach, J. (2021) Sequence data: expand comprehensive access. Nature 591: 202.
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100. Roberts, R.J. (2022) Tackling inequality in food, vaccines and tests during a pandemic. III International Congress on Poverty and Hunger; Education and Technology in the context of the pandemic. Held at the Catholic University of Valencia on 9 and 10 November 2021.